public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web & editer

June 2008

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor)___Editer directement dans le navigateur votre page en XHTML/CSS - Recherche Google

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor) est un éditeur de pages XHTML, directement depuis votre navigateur. Outils d'édition courants (copier-coller, mettre en gras, changer la casse, mise en page, etc.) et insertion de liens etc ...

April 2007

Voicethread __Work With Flickr___The human voice around photographs

The human voice around photographs.This one is really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of ph

September 2006

TextPad - the text editor for Windows

by 2 others
TextPad® 4.7.3 is a powerful, general purpose editor for plain text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user requires. More ...