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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags viewer & outil


Flickroom - BETA

Flickroom is an Adobe AIR based application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved. The dark theme ensures that your photographs look better than ever before! You can now receive instant notifications for any activity on your photostream, upload photos by just drag-and-drop, add comments, mark faves, add notes, tweet about your photos and also chat with other Flickroom users.


8 outils pour visionner et rechercher des photos en ligne

Au bout d’un moment, visionner ses photos alignées les unes à coté des autres peu devenir lassant. Heureusement, il existe de nombreux outils qui permettent d’égayer vos photos de vacances ou de rendre une recherche plus agréable.

Picsviewr _ ___Flickr SlideShow

by 1 other
Picsviewr provides a wide variety of slideshows (currently 7) for viewing your Flickr photos with more flexibility. Every Flickr user has a slideshow here. There is no need to create an account or configure anything and your preferences are saved. Simply enter your flickr username:

Blow Up - See your Flickr photosets in a great-looking, fullscreen display___A Bond Art + Science Fair Project

by 1 other
# See your Flickr photosets in a great-looking, fullscreen display. # Deeplink to the exact sets or photos you want. # Downloadable to run on your own site or blog. # Customizable interface and color palette. # Lightning fast - Blow Up is under 50 kilobytes.


GLFlickrShow : OpenGL feeding on Flickr

by 2 others
GLFlickrShow is a fullscreen OpenGL slideshow interface for exploring Flickr content. Configure, save, and share 'online slideshows'.

GMiF - (Google Maps in Flickr) Flickr Contacts_+_LfVr -(a Lightweight flickr )ViewerYuan.CC Web Experiments

by 7 others
There's an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away. There will be a button added at the right-most of button bar if the photo is