public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags upload & programme

May 2007

Automatically upload a folder's photos to Flickr

Need a way to monitor my pictures folder to upload everything I dump in there. Luckily a cross-platform script called can watch a folder of your choice for new pictures, then automatically upload them to your Flickr account. Here's how to set u

March 2007

Picasa2flickr - Flickr Plugin Export for Picasa ( Updated for Picasa 3 Beta)

by 1 other
Based on the proof of concept provided by Tabblo and using the nice flickj api, picasa2flickr provides a kind of plugin to picasa that allows users to export their photos to flickr. The mechanism: 1. Using a custom "BlogThis" Button, picasa posts XML data

August 2006

Grabbr _____The task of uploading screenshots to Flickr.and yahoo

Grabbr Thursday, June 09, 2005 Screen ShotGrabbr is a small application to smooth the task of uploading screenshots to Flickr. It lives in the inconspicuously in the system tray until such time as you need it. At which point you hit CTRL+F12 and it spring

March 2006

Free - Envoyez vos documents : 5 GO /7 jours

by 19 others
accessible via en http ou en ftp - permet aux internautes de s'échanger des fichiers ayant une taille qui peut aller jusqu'à 5 Go... Le principe est simple : un internaute uploade son fichier sur un serveur, un lien de téléchargement lu