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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags tutoriel & guide


DEV - Great Resources Every Beginning a Front-end Developer Should Bookmark by vydargis on CodePen

If you just get started your a front-end developer career, it might be overwhelming to learn something every day. To optimize your time, it might be useful to know solid resources, to keep up with a demanding programmers’ environment. In this brief article, you will find 6 useful resources that in my opinion I think every beginning a front-end developer career should bookmark.



CSS - Ellipsie - Table-layaout - text-overflowGérer les débordements de contenus grâce à CSS - Alsacreations

Cas des cellules de tableau. Le comportement des cellules de tableaux est souvent radicalement différent des autres éléments du document. Ainsi, dans son modèle de rendu par défaut, le contenu prime et décide de la largeur des cellules et du tableau. Pour rendre word-wrap et text-overflow fonctionnels sur la majorité des navigateurs, il suffit de mettre en pratique le second mode de rendu des tableaux, mal connu : table-layout: fixed : table { width: 100%; /* à adapter selon vos contraintes */ table-layout: fixed; }

CSS – Understanding Percentage Background Position - Vjeux »

In this article, I'm going to guide you through a concrete problem I had to solve. Eventually, we'll see how to use percentage values in the background-position CSS property and how it solves a lot of tough issues.


uTIPu - ScreenCast - Record and share your screencast videos : Get started in just 3 easy steps...

by 1 other
Record and share your screen in a video. Get started in just 3 easy steps... Vu pour tutoriel Video pour expliquer comment utiliser LiBx (Barre Outil ) aux usagers de la bib de Metz ...

InstallationGlobale - Geckozone - Extensions en français pour Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird et Nvu

Cette méthode décrit l'installation globale d'une extension (ou un thème) dans le répertoire d'installation de Firefox / Thunderbird / Mozilla Suite / Seamonkey ou Nvu. Une extension ainsi installée sera disponible pour tous les utilisateurs et tous les profils.fermer absolument toute session de l'application concernée, y-compris popups, préférences ; déposer le package XPIdans le répertoire des extensions de l'application elle-même (et non pas du profil utilisateur !).


Layers Tutorial for Photoshop Beginners

The Digital Photography School blog has an instructive tutorial on using layers

XPath Tutorial

by 2 others
XPath is a language for finding information in an XML document. XPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.

Guide Opera

Avantages → Sécurité → Extensions → Bittorrent → Franciser Operafrançais → Copies d'écran → Astuces Java, Ouvrir les liens ed2k (eMule / aMule / eDonkey), Lire les flux Vidéos et audio → Raccourcis souris → Personnaliser le champ Rec

Tag automatique____Todae | Winamp

La fonctionnalité que je vous présente ici est très pratique car elle permet de tagger automatiquement vos fichiers audio quand ceux-ci n'ont pas de tags ! Par une connexion à une base de données distante (sur Internet), cette fonction permet de retr


Mr. Speaker » Blog Archive » Introduction to Yahoo Pipes

by 1 other
Allows you to filter and process RSS feed data in a chain - using a cool web graphical user interface. The result can be spit out in a variety of formats that can then be used in your RSS reader, on your blog, in a Greasemonkey script

DOM Inspector: petit guide d'initiation

Avec le DOM Inspector, vous pouvez voir une page Web exactement comme Mozilla la voit, vous permettant ainsi d'isoler et de réparer rapidement les problèmes. En plus de ce dépannage rapide, le DOM Inspector offre plusieurs outils pour vous aider à tro

How to create Firefox extensions

by 25 others
Everyone has a good idea at one time or another to implement a new feature in a web browser. Well, with the goodness that is Mozilla Firefox, now you can do just that. You need to have a vague understanding of XUL and Javascript, but you certainly don’t

Sync your Greasemonkey scripts across computers ___Hack Attack:

by 3 others
Greasemonkey is by far my favorite Firefox extension. It's the first extension I install on a new installation of Firefox, followed quickly by a slew of my favorite Greasemonkey scripts. The only problem that I've had with Greasemonkey in the past is that


Comment vieillir un portrait____Aging People | Photoshop Lab

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to add on the years to almost anybody. It's basically a practice using the Burn and Dodge tools. - Drawing lessons

by 17 others
Web site has a huge collection of tutorials designed to take you from beginning doodler to expert drawer. Obviously we're not all born to be artists (I could draw you a mean still life of fruit, but it would take me several days), but if

Us.ef.ul A beginner's guide 2004 » Us.ef.ul (beelerspace)

by 23 others
Us.ef.ul A beginner's guide to The Next Big Thing By John Sat Nov 13, 12:54am 2004 Tagged as: trends net (For this article in Spanish, click here) There are several reasons you should probably be using If you use computers in multiple locatio

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

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<img src="" border="0" height="16">&nbsp;genericface blog » Using Picasa to upload to Flickr using;<i><small>(</small></i>

by 3 others
Picasa is by far my favorite photo management software. Flickr is the arguably the best online photo sharing site (Zooomr is a rising competitor). However, one must use the email feature in to upload pictures from Picasa to Flickr (see Jim Rutherford’s