public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags synchroniser & best

05 April 2007

Mobipocket enews: toutes les news sur mon PDA

Le logiciel Mobipocket enews creator permet de sélectionner un fil RSS ou même un site, n'importe lequel, et de déterminer du contenu qui sera automatiquement mis à jour à l'heure choisie, puis envoyé vers un PDA pour être lu grâce au reader de Mo

11 March 2007

FolderShare ___Sychroniser ses fichiers entre plusieurs ordis___Lifehacker

File sharing solution FolderShare offers unlimited, free sharing of any file up to 2GB, allowing you to access and sync files over your very own private peer-to-peer network.

08 March 2007

Sync your Greasemonkey scripts across computers ___Hack Attack:

by 3 others
Greasemonkey is by far my favorite Firefox extension. It's the first extension I install on a new installation of Firefox, followed quickly by a slew of my favorite Greasemonkey scripts. The only problem that I've had with Greasemonkey in the past is that