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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags research & flickr


FlickrCash______Moteur de recherche pour Flickr

by 3 others, 1 comment
FlickrCash est un moteur de recherche spécifique à Flickr (célèbre application d'hébergement et de partage de photos). Il permet des recherches avec un mot clé, un nom d'utilisateur, un groupe et même la date de publication. Le résultat est prése

Similr:__F lickr tool____Find your next favorite photo

Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner! Tutorial Lo


worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app

Flickr Photo Compass 0.5 - GeoTagging Flickr_____Flickr: GM script:

The Geo Radar released by .CK reminded me of an idea I had had a while ago and provided me with the tools to implement it quickly. This one is a simple version of the radar where you only see the 8 closest photos to the actual one in the directions: N, NE

Flickr: Picasa may gain facial recognition capability - FlickrCentral

Picasa may gain facial recognition capability view profile tabhastal Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: Google buys Neven Vision. "The program will eventually be able to automatically identify individuals and places in pictures, which will make searching far ea parole recherche was created to simplify the process of finding lyrics to your favorite song titles. Tired of popup ads and flashy advertisements from other lyrics-serving websites, we wanted to make a simple and useful website without all the garbage around

Flickr: More Search 0.3 > Greasemonkey [6V8 - Production of my Mind]

Searching in the flickr photos is always long and difficult. The new Flickr gamma allows you to search in one of your contact at a time for photos. But why not all your contacts at a time, or one of your groups.

Search options_Flickr: Flickr Hacks

GM for search options view profile Jason Abbott Pro User [ INT ? ] says: My first GM, a bit brutish so far, but makes it easier to search only your own photos, and only tags. I plan to fix the alignment and see if I can persist the selection with cookies.

Flickr Browse By Interestingness _Flickr Hacks

by 1 other
GM Script: Flickr Browse By Interestingness by steeev : adds a link to the users photostream page, which

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview Status: this is work in progress. It is performed in the context of the multimedia task force of the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. All information provided here serves pu


EmoRate for Flickr

by 1 other
EmoRate is an emotion based Flickr photo review & classification site with advanced search features, adaptive personalization of favorite reviewer lists and photos, and more. codestream » Blog Archive » Technorati tag search

Technorati’s new Tag Search is fantastic. It aggregates results from flickr,, and blogs