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LOG - IMAGE - PLUGIN - G'MIC - PC Astuces - Améliorer GIMP avec de nouveaux filtres et effets

Améliorer GIMP avec de nouveaux filtres et effets GIMP est un logiciel de traitement d'images assez complet qui est libre et gratuit et qui peut aisément remplacer le célèbre Photoshop pour tous vos travaux de retouches. Pour aller plus loin, vous pouvez ajouter de nombreux filtres et effets au logiciel à l'aide du plugin G'MIC. Ce dernier est un outil qui définit un ensemble de commandes permettant des traitements complexes à appliquer à vos images. Avec le plugin G'MIC pour GIMP, vous avez directement accès à plus d'une centaine d'effets déjà programmés et que vous pouvez personnaliser grâce aux nombreux réglages disponibles. Voici comment les ajouter à GIMP, que vous soyez sous Windows ou sous Linux.


APP - Transfz - Powerful Systemwide Search for Windows

# Search from any application # Use any search engine # Powerful clipboard holder # Fast extensions (micro apps) # Basic statistics support # Optimize your computer & the planet


Notepad++ Liste des Expressions Régulières– TextFX Quick -

Note: Dans le cas ou vous avez installé les plugins, essayez CONTROL+R ou dans le Menu Plugins – TextFX Quick - Find/Replace pour faire apparaître une boite de dialogue avancée incluant une liste déroulante d'expressions régulières ainsi qu'un Recherche/Remplace multi-ligne.

Greasefire - Automatically find Greasemonkey scripts on - when you visit a web site, how do you know if there are better ways to view it?

by 1 other
a Firefox add-on that will tell you if there are any user scripts for the page you're visiting. When you have Greasefire and Greasemonkey installed a little monkey will show up in the bottom right corner of your Firefox status bar. If there are scripts available for the site you're viewing, the monkey's background color will change to red. And when you right click on the icon you'll see the number of available scripts. Click on that number and a window will open telling you more about those scripts.


OpenItOnline - Office Extension Firefox - Envois DOC, XLS, et les autres formats supportés, sur "ZohoViewer" pour ouverture Online

by 4 others
I don't do enough work with Office-type documents anymore to warrant installing a suite on my laptop. OpenItOnline lets me send DOC, XLS, and all the other supported file types to ZohoViewer for perusal instead of downloading them. It supports all Zoho and Google Docs apps to open files.


Introducing Operator, a Microformat Detection Extension for Firefox 2____Mozilla Labs - 2006

by 7 others, 2 comments
Operator demonstrates the usefulness of semantic information on the Web, in real world scenarios.Here are some examples of things you can do with this release of Operator, and with the Web as it exists today : Yahoo! Local and Your Address Book. With Operator you can send the phone number of your favorite pizza place from Yahoo! Local to your address book, without having to type anything..... Operator requires information on the Web to be encoded using microformats, and since this method for semantically encoding information is relatively new, not all sites are using microformats yet. However, Operator works great with any blog that uses rel-tag, and the sites Yahoo! Local, Flickr, and, all of which contain millions of pieces of information expressed using microformats. As more sites begin to semantically encode data with microformats, Operator will automatically work with them as well.

Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider à exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

Zotero __Zotero's plugin for Microsoft Word___Microsoft Word Integration [Zotero Documentation]

Le logiciel de gestion de références (biblio et autres)... pour utiliser pleinement Zotero avec "l'interaction" avec un Traitement de texte... c'est vraiment bien fait et simple avec MSword..


DEL.ICIO.US TOOLBOX: 180+ Tools and Resources

by 2 others
Social bookmarking was one of the earliest trends out on the social web, and quickly took the lead. Today, we outline over 180 of the best tools and resources to get the most out of the number one social bookmarking site.

Picasa2flickr: Flickr API

Yes there is a beta version, you can find it on It's pretty easy to test (if you have the last version of Picasa under windows): you just have to put a file into the 'buttons' directory of Picasa, and use the new "Send to fl

Picasa2flickr - Flickr Plugin Export for Picasa ( Updated for Picasa 3 Beta)

by 1 other
Based on the proof of concept provided by Tabblo and using the nice flickj api, picasa2flickr provides a kind of plugin to picasa that allows users to export their photos to flickr. The mechanism: 1. Using a custom "BlogThis" Button, picasa posts XML data


plugin KSTR___Streaming K!TV sur Freeplayer___Tutoriels

Utilisation du plugin KSTR 1beta2 pour K!TV 2.4beta2 La dll K_KSTR.dll est a copier dans le répertoire plugin Les autres dll (ogg.dll, vorbis.dll, PluginMsg.dll) sont a copier dans le répertoire de K!TV.exe La fréquence d'échantillonnage du son d

AJAX Yahoo! Mail/foXpose/Tabnail - Thumbnails firefox - Viamatic Softwares

his extension converts Yahoo! Mail into an AJAX enabled web account. Incase you have a problem or you wish to get in touch with us click here we will be happy to hear from you. If you are facing a problem while upgrading click here.You can read more about

SpellBound -_Spellchecker for Firefox 1.5 and the Mozilla Suite

SpellBound is a port of the spellchecker code and user interface from the Mozilla Suite's Composer that enables spell checking in web forms such as html textarea / input elements (html input password elements are not checked by SpellBou