public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags mail & tester

11 July 2007

Vachercher____ajoute une option au menu contextuel de Thunderbird permettant de lancer une recherche rapide des messages

Extension qui évite de faire "copier/cliquer dans la barre de recherche/coller/sélectionner message complet", beaucoup plus rapide.

28 June 2007

Amazing Webpage Emailer (AWE) __To easily email any web page to anyone

To easily email any web page to anyone, including web pages: 1. are password-protected (now you don't have to give out your password) 2. are session-specific (e.g., Google search, 3. require registration (e.g., 4. have framesets

12 May 2007

Send page by email____Extension____mail___Pour envoyer une page web par mail (et non un simple lien).

Send webpages you see in firefox by email to you and your friends. Update (0.2.0) : Send images as well as links on the webpage with the email so that the recipients can see all the images and open all the links directly from the email. .