public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags generator & outil


Gifsforum - Create a gif from youtube

Enter the Youtube url from which you would like to create your gif. You can choose the part , Filter , speed (limit 15seconds).


Icon Generator Pro – Pour faire de jolies icônes façon Adobe - Korben

Créer des jolies icônes façon Adobe (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign..etc.) : petite application Air (donc fonctionnant sous Windows, Linux et Mac) baptisée Icon Generator Pro. Grâce à cette appli, vous pourrez générer des icônes façon CS5 : Sans oublier le mythique macaron « en promo », « beta » ou « 2.0″. L’application est même capable d’uploader directement cette icône sur votre compte twitter pour en faire votre image de profil (le truc trop inutile). Icon Generator Pro est téléchargeable ici gratuitement.


COinS Generator

by 2 others
This tool will take bibliographic metadata for a citation and produce a "COinS", i.e. a snippet of HTML that can be placed on a webpage and processed by web tools. The COinS generator also has a built-in link-resolver, so you can generate a COinS by taking any OpenURL query string and appending it to the base URL For more information on COinS, click here.


Palette Generator: Automagically create a harmonious color palette from a photograph

by 7 others
Extraire la palette de couleurs d'une photo : Pratique pour construire un graphisme autour d'une photo, ou pour savoir quelles couleurs utiliser sur un document illustré par telle ou telle image.

Anthony Lieuallen's Greasemonkey Compiler___Better Flickr is a compilation of work done by several Greasemonkey scripters

Creates a full fledged Firefox XPI (extension) from a greasemonkey script._I modified the output of the compiler to include multiple scripts with the ability to enable and disable individual features.


Museumr: Flickr application____ Make your photos famous

by 3 others
Welcome to museumr. In just one minute, you will be famous, and your photographs will be displayed in museums all around the globe. Eternal fame is just around the corner.

Flickr Set Manager

by 3 others
Automatically create sets on flickr based on various criteria such as interestingness, date posted and tags, or even from a random set of photographs.

Pasta: text pasting service for

by 10 others
Paste text below and hit preview until you are happy. Submit auto-generates a web page and posts it to

myKards - Personalized photo eCards and slideshows_Flickr application

by 1 other
permet de realiser des cartes à partir de vos photos chez Flickr....tres rapide et sympa.

Visited Countries

by 13 others
Visited Countries Visited Countries is a small project demonstrating the power of manipulating the palette of a gif image on the fly. Here we start with a map of the world with each country in a different color. The script asks which country you have been

The Generator Blog

by 46 others
The Generator Blog This blog is not about those machines used to change mechanical energy into electrical energy. It's about software that creates software. Software to play around and have fun with.