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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags exemple & demo


jQUERY - JAVASCRIPT - jQuery udraggable Plugin

jquery.udraggable.js This plugin provides an API similar to jQueryUI's draggable but with support for unified mouse and touch events. It builds on Michael S. Mikowski's jquery.event.ue unified event plugin.

html - Draggable div without jQuery UI - Stack Overflow

Here's another updated code: $(document).ready(function() { var $dragging = null; $('body').on("mousedown", "div", function(e) { $(this).attr('unselectable', 'on').addClass('draggable'); var el_w = $('.draggable').outerWidth(), el_h = $('.draggable').outerHeight(); $('body').on("mousemove", function(e) { if ($dragging) { $dragging.offset({ top: e.pageY - el_h / 2, left: e.pageX - el_w / 2 }); } }); $dragging = $(; }).on("mouseup", ".draggable", function(e) { $dragging = null; $(this).removeAttr('unselectable').removeClass('draggable'); }); });​

jQUERY -JqueryUI - DRAG - JqueryUI Draggable

$ (selector, context).draggable (options) Method The draggable (options) method declares that an HTML element can be moved in the HTML page. The options parameter is an object that specifies the behavior of the elements involved. Syntax $(selector, context).draggable(options); You can provide one or more options at a time using Javascript object. If there are more than one options to be provided then you will separate them using a comma as follows − $(selector, context).draggable({option1: value1, option2: value2..... });


JQuery - DEMO - arrays - JQuery .each() backwards - Stack Overflow

Here are different options for this: You can use this: $($("ul > li").get().reverse()).each(function (i) { $(this).text( 'Item ' + (++i)); }); ===or==== $($(".block-item").get().reverse()).each(function (i) { $(this).text(++i); });