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🛠 TELECHARGER avec VLC - VIMEO - download - How to play a Vimeo video in VLC media player? - Super User

Not sure how long this method will continue working but as of 12/14/2018 it works for me. I only tested with a few videos so it may not work with everything. - A - : 1 - Take the url of the video you want to play 2 - Change it to this will be the URL of the player itself. - B - : 1 - Inside the source of that page will be a line: var config = {...} 2 - Within the Curly Braces is JSON Data that contains the actual video URLs for the various qualitys. Look for urls ending with .mp4 and the qualites associated with them. Example within the json data from , you can see the entry for 720p with the url associated with it: {"profile":174,"width":1280,"mime":"video/mp4","fps":23,"url":"","cdn":"fastly","quality":"720p","id":1168737254,"origin":"gcs","height":720} And you can just take that url and paste it straight into the stream section of VLC


DVRMSToolbox - Remove ads automatically from recorded TV - Windows Media Center plug-in Lifextende - LifeHacker

Some commercials are worth their short time commitment, but sometimes you just want to watch exactly 24 minutes of condensed television. Windows Media Center plug-in Lifextender does the job inside your hooked-up PC, while DVRMSToolbox runs through Media-Center-recorded files independently, and can then export them to more generally usable formats than Windows' somewhat locked-down system. (Original posts: Lifextender, DVRMSToolbox)


Linux Quimper / Télécharger les émissions de

J'ai l'impression qu'il y a plusieurs méthodes pour trouver le flux original. Pour ma part, une fois la vidéo lancée avec vlc, je fait : menu *Vue* > information sur le flux Parfois un *afficher le code source de la page* suffit. ps : c'est sur le même modèle que la commande que j'utilise pour le streaming real (radio en rstp, par exemple) Code: mplayer -dumpstream rstp://blablabla -dumpfile ton_fichier.rm


Création DVD et AVI par Mencoder sans ligne de commande._ADSLTV ___Freebox

Création DVD et AVI par Mencoder sans ligne de commande. SUPER © est un encodeur entièrement gratuit, aux fonctionnalités étonnantes et plutôt simple à utiliser.C'est un super GUI pour fmpeg, mencoder, mplayer, x264, ffmpeg2theora et le plugin ora


WINAMPFR.COM | La communauté FR de Winamp :)

enregistrer streaming audio et video avec plug Sream Ripper