public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags collection & culture

January 2008

Patrimoine numérique__(Volet national du projet européen Michael)__Catalogue des collections numériséesdécrit les collections numérisées et les productions multimédia associées (site internet, dévédérom, cédérom...).

by 5 others
Recense les institutions à l'origine de projets de numérisation en France. Vous êtes intéressé par le Moyen Age ou le XXe siècle, un état civil pour construire votre arbre généalogique ou le patrimoine de votre région : c'est ici!

July 2007

the visual index of science fiction cover art - a few thousand science fiction magazines

A coverpop : covers from the visual index of science fiction cover art, courtesy Terry Gibbons . Move the mouse over the covers to see more information, click to see the cover full-size, arranged horizontally by time, and vertically by average hue

January 2007

Historical Sounds in MP3 Format___The Free Information Society -

by 13 others
This collection of audio files is intended to archive the greatest speeches in recorded history. Most of the files are from the 20th century, but there are a few exceptions, such as the Edison recordings. Feel free to download, distribute, and learn from

March 2006