public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags beta & browser

October 2008

Screenshot Tour: A Closer Look at Fennec, the Mobile Firefox Browser

Mozilla's Firefox-like browser for mobile phones, code-named Fennec, has been released as a free alpha preview for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems (and Nokia N810 Internet Tablets). As you would expect with an alpha preview, it's a bit buggy, and not all the features are in place, but it's intriguing to see how Mozilla plans to smoosh Firefox 3's features onto the tiniest screens. If you want to know what Firefox on your phone might look like, read on for detailed screenshots and a rundown of Fennec's features.

September 2007

Google Custom Search Engine - Site search and more

by 8 others
Have a website or collection of sites you'd like to search over? With Custom Search Engine, you can harness the power of Google to create a search engine tailored to your needs.