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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags programming & tutorials

December 2006

JavaScript Kit- Comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS tutorials and over 400 free JavaScripts!

by 9 others
Scripts | JavaScript Tutorials | JavaScript Reference | DOM Reference | Applets | DHTML | Design : * Free JavaScripts * JavaScript Tutorials * Free Java applets * DHTML/ CSS Tutorials * Web building tutorials * JavaScript Reference : DOM Reference, CSS Reference

November 2006

by 18 others
The XML User Interface Language (XUL) is a markup language for describing user interfaces. With XUL you can create rich, sophisticated cross-platform web applications easily. Tutorials * Main Tutorial * Developer Guide * XUL Questions References * XUL Reference * Object Reference * XPCOM Reference

October 2006

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

by 46 others
HTML Tutorials - XML Tutorials - Browser Scripting - Server Scripting - .NET (dotnet) - Multimedia - Web Building

January 2006

*** [ Documenting the Ruby Language] ***

by 16 others
The Ruby documentation project is an effort by the Ruby community to provide complete and accurate documentation for the Ruby programming language.

IBM - Ruby off the Rails

by 2 others (via)
Ruby off the Rails - an introduction to Ruby outside of the Rails framework

Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits for different Programming Languages

by 1 other (via)
all the programming frameworks for Semantic Web : C - Haskell - Java - JavaScript - Common Lisp - .Net/Mono - Perl - PHP - Pike - Prolog - Python - Ruby - Proprietary Languages

A P R E S S . C O M - Free eBooks

by 1 other
Here you'll find selected titles that we are pleased to be able to offer you completely free of charge! Please note that you can still find hard copies of most of these titles at your favorite online or brick and mortar bookstore.

CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today!

CGI Programming 101 will show you how to add guestbooks, page counters, shopping carts and other interactive elements to your website. CGI programming is easy to learn; if you know HTML, you can learn CGI. You don't need any prior programming experience.

Les Doc's du net

Bienvenue dans les Doc's du net, répertoire de cours et tutoriels du net traitant des langages de programmation, des bases de données, des réseaux, des systèmes d'exploitation, en passant par la cryptologie, et tout ce qui touche aux nouvelles technologies. : Web 2.0, allez plus loin avec AJAX et XMLHttpRequest

by 7 others (via)
Si il y a un terme à la mode en ce moment c'est bien celui d'AJAX, on le retrouve un peu a toutes les sauces. Qu'est ce donc que cet AJAX ? Nous verrons à quoi correspondent ces lettres mais surtout les concepts qui se cachent derrière et les différentes utilisations que l'on peut en faire.

Tutoriel : se mettre aux standards du web

by 6 others (via)
Nous allons voir ensemble comment rendre un site existant conforme aux standards, en prenant une page non conforme.

*** Ajax & Intérêts - Gérald's blog ***

by 1 other (via)
En gros, c’est quoi ce Ajax ? Une présentation simple et imagée

*** APPRENDRE à PROGRAMMER avec Ruby - Christopher David PINE ***

by 2 others
Document PDF - Traduction de Jean-Pierre ANGHEL - Si vous voulez programmer un ordinateur, vous devez "parler" dans une langue que votre machine comprendra : un langage de programmation. Il existe de nombreux langages de ce type, et certains sont même excellents. Dans ce tutoriel j’ai choisi d’utiliser mon langage de programmation favori, Ruby.

Ruby Homepage Downloadable documents

* Ruby 1.4.6 Reference Manual * English reference manual for Ruby 1.6 is not yet prepared. See Ruby 1.6 Library reference online. * accumulates Ruby-related documents widely. * Recently, stdlib-doc project accumulates RDoc-based documents for Ruby standard libraries widely.

*** Try Ruby! - a hands-on tutorial ***

by 51 others
Got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot right now! Ruby is a programming language from Japan (available at which is revolutionizing the web. The beauty of Ruby is found in its balance between simplicity and power. Try out Ruby code in the prompt above. (help 6)

*** Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide ***

by 1 other
This book is a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language. Use Ruby, and you'll write better code, be more productive, and enjoy programming more.

*** Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby ***

by 29 others
This is just a small Ruby book. It won’t crush you. It’s light as a feather (because I haven’t finished it yet—hehe). And there’s a reason this book will stay light: because Ruby is simple to learn.

The Ruby Cookbook Official Unofficial Homepage

Hello, this is Leonard Richardson. Lucas Carlson and I are writing the Ruby Cookbook for O'Reilly. I've put up this page to solicit and coordinate community contributions, and to make the official outline publicly available. Our goal is to make this book a better reference than O'Reilly's Perl and Python Cookbooks.

Learning Ruby

by 2 others
Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Carrera

Zen Spider Software Ruby Page

by 1 other
# Ruby QuickRef # Ruby Snippets # Lessons Learned: Coding Ruby Late at Night # Ruby Cookbook