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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags ajax & tutorials

October 2006

Ajax Lessons

by 48 others
Simple Ajax Tutorials and News.

Dave Naffis : Ruby on Rails, Ajax & CSS Star Rating System

by 2 others
I’m sure everyone by now has seen those oh-so-Web 2.0 star rating features on hundreds of websites. Well I needed to implement one for a site I’m working on and I couldn’t find a complete example anywhere (not in RoR). So here it is. A complete Rails based Ajax and CSS star ratings sytem with some RJS thrown in for good measure.

August 2006

AJAX Tutorial

by 8 others is designed with the purpose to deliver timely, unbiased ajax industry news, articles, tutorials and analysis, enabling you to stay on the leading edge of AJAX development without spending hours on searching the web. From this site, you can find out a comprehensive coverage on AJAX news, AJAX events, vendors providing AJAX products and services, articles and FAQ's. Our objective is to provide the information relevant to your professional niche along with the key technology development.

January 2006

XMLHttpRequest Usability Guidelines |

by 5 others (via)
XMLHttpRequest is becoming more and more popular, and many people are currently exploring what we could do with it. Unfortunately this also causes people to reinvent old and forgotten usability problems. : Web 2.0, allez plus loin avec AJAX et XMLHttpRequest

by 7 others (via)
Si il y a un terme à la mode en ce moment c'est bien celui d'AJAX, on le retrouve un peu a toutes les sauces. Qu'est ce donc que cet AJAX ? Nous verrons à quoi correspondent ces lettres mais surtout les concepts qui se cachent derrière et les différentes utilisations que l'on peut en faire.

*** Ajax & Intérêts - Gérald's blog ***

by 1 other (via)
En gros, c’est quoi ce Ajax ? Une présentation simple et imagée