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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag python


Ressources Python

by 14 others (via)
Ressources Python Vous trouverez ci-dessous : * une version librement téléchargeable de l'ouvrage "Apprendre à programmer avec Python" de Gérard Swinnen, deuxième édition, publié aux éditions O'Reilly (ISBN 2-84177-299-3 ) * le code source des exemples et exercices proposés dans le livre * Les diapositives et le code source des exemples présentés par G.Swinnen au colloque "Libr'East of Paris" (IUT de Marne-la-vallée) les 23 & 24 Avril 2004. * Les diapositives de la conférence sur Python présentée à l'IUT de Vannes (Université de Bretagne Sud), le 15 Avril 2005. * La traduction du livre en hongrois (miroir du site web du traducteur).

p a s s k o o l

PassKool is a deterministic password generator. It tries to generate passwords that more or less sound like English. As PassKool generator is deterministic, identical inputs will give the same password. The security here relies on a secret passphrase used to generate the final password. A passphrase is usually easier to remember than a cryptic password. If you happen to forget the password, you can still retrieve it using PassKool. PassKool can also create deterministic password with random content. This may sound contradictory but the deterministic parameter is the seed used for the random generator. Here's a short example for a "root" account on some Unix/Linux box. By default, the password has a length of 12 characters. python "root" "top secret phrase" ---> Generated password : quencatithro If you call this command again, you will find the same password.

Speeqe – Trac

Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol. It is chat made simple. The goal is to give the user the best and easiest experience in creating chat rooms. It is a combination of javascript and python code using a collection of open source software and software tools. This collection is nginx or apache for a frontend. The frontend serves the webclient which is javascript using Strophe and JQuery. It also proxies to Punjab for the BOSH connection to connect to XMPP based servers. To tie it all together there is a small amount of django. Features ¶ HTML/javascript client Themable (all UI is in one html file) Inline images. Inline youtube videos. Kick,ban,unban support. Room configuration. DNS named rooms (ie will go to the room speeqers@…) Ability to connect to federated XMPP servers and chat rooms.

Modest Maps

by 4 others
Modest Maps is a BSD-licensed display and interaction library for tile-based maps in Flash (ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0) and Python. Our intent is to provide a minimal, extensible, customizable, and free display library for discriminating designers and developers who want to use interactive maps in their own projects. Modest Maps provides a core set of features in a tight, clean package, with plenty of hooks for additional functionality.

Supervisor - Home

by 4 others
Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit. Unlike some of these programs, it is not meant to be run as a substitute for init as "process id 1". Instead it is meant to be used to control processes related to a project or a customer, and is meant to start like any other program at boot time.

NagiosExchange: Categories: Check Plugins

This plugin is written in python and does two things each time it runs : 1 - Sends an email containing an id to a specified address, and stores the id to a specified file. 2 - Checks a specified pop3 account to see if the previous message was received. Usage : --relay --popserver --popuser --poppassword --to --from --idfile


skipole-monitor - Google Code

by 2 others (via)
This program is a network monitor. It allows the user to input host IP addresses, it then pings these hosts every five minutes and displays their status via a built-in web server, on port 8000. It can optionally send email alerts and syslog messages if the hosts change status. So calling http://your_pc_address:8000 will display pages showing green, yellow or red host or group symbols. Each host is pinged four times every five minutes, and symbols are displayed as: green : if three or four pings are successfull yellow : if only one or two are successfull red : if all four fail As well as hosts, group symbols are displayed, and can be opened to show hosts, or sub-groups nested within. The operator can create groups, and sub-groups via the gui. It has been tested on Windows XP and Linux platforms. Windows users; to install, download and run skipolemonitor_0_4_py25_install.exe Linux users; a tar file of Python source code is available in the downloads section. To upgrade: export and save the network data somewhere safe, uninstall the old version, re-install the new version.

Woof - Partage simple de fichier par HTTP - Yop

Woof - Partage simple de fichier par HTTP - Yop


Cheat Sheets

by 7 others
cheat sheets (also known as reference cards) that you can print out and keep by your computer. There is a cheat sheet for just about anything and we aim to have the best coverage of cheat sheets available on the web.

Painless backups using rdiff-backup : Page 2

The rdiff-backup program is a command-line utility with a simple syntax, that makes backup copies of one or more directories to a target directory. To that extent, it is just straightforward: type the command, and it does the job. Embed a command within a script for extra facilities, and add the script to the scheduled tasks to run automatic backups. Target directories may be on any writable device, and may be safely copied.


ADOdb Database Abstraction Library

by 11 others (via)
for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases

Un web service SOAP pour la brique RCX

by 3 others (via)
En mettant à la portée de tous mon expérience personnelle dans la création de clients SOAP, j'ai voulu permettre à tout développeur de pouvoir exploiter un service web SOAP. Vous avez donc accès à des examples de clients SOAP en Java, PHP (NuSoap), Perl (SOAP::Lite) et Python (SOAPpy et ZSI) pour un Java WSDP web service (document/literal), et aussi à différentes sections démontrant l'interopérabilité entre un web service .NET et des clients JAX-RPC (Java), NuSoap (PHP), SOAP::Lite (Perl), PyXml ou ZSI (Python).

camel's TAGS related to tag python

.net +   adress +   apache +   backup +   chat +   code +   couleur +   css +   cvs +   dev +   eclipse +   editor +   emacs +   email +   file +   flash +   free +   generate +   generator +   gnome +   google map +   html +   http +   ide +   java +   javascript +   langage c +   linux +   livre +   mac +   map +   monitor +   monitoring +   mysql +   nagios +   passphrase +   password +   perl +   php +   plugin +   programming +   rdfiff-backup +   ressources +   référence +   ror +   security +   server +   shell +   site +   soap +   software +   sql +   supervision +   svn +   sysadmin +   transfert +   ubuntu +   uml +   uniq +   vb xsl +   web +   web services +   xen +   xhtml +