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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag dom


21 scripts Javascript pour l'intégrateur HTML et CSS

by 3 others (via)
Les bibliothèques Javascript — comme jQuery et la myriade de plugins qui l’accompagne — facilitent la vie des développeurs web en leur permettant de manipuler le DOM les mains dans les poches. Toutefois, il est toujours bon d’avoir quelques fonctions standalone sous la souris pour se faciliter l’intégration cross-browser ! Voici une sélection de 21 scripts pour faire face à toutes les situations (ou presque) :

IE WebDeveloper - DOM Inspector, Script Console, Logging messages and HTTP Monitor

IE WebDeveloper is an add-on for Microsoft Internet Explorer. The rich web debugging toolset allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM and current cascaded styles, evaluate expressions and display error messages, log messages, explore source code of webpage and monitor DHTML Event and HTTP Traffic.

Net Perspective Website Design - Based in College Station, Texas - Products - Scroll Follow

by 1 other
Scroll Follow is a simple jQuery plugin that enables a DOM object to follow the page as the user scrolls.

Scott Jehl, Designer/Developer, Boston, MA | Process: StyleMap v2: Visual Sitemap

by 1 other (via)
StyleMap v2 uses valid HTML, CSS and a touch of DOM scripting to produce a visual sitemap out of an unordered list (UL). The result is a functional, scalable, and above-all rapid way to produce a tree-style map for the planning stages of your project. Keep in mind that although we'll cover the details of how the sitemap works, in practice you'll only need to worry about changing the markup to match your website structure. The CSS and Javascript can then be added as they are and will take care of the rest!

Tutorial jQuery

by 2 others
jQuery est une bibliothèque javascript open-source et cross-browser qui permet de traverser et manipuler très facilement l’arbre DOM de vos pages web à l’aide d’une syntaxe fortement similaire à celle d’XPath (qui est la syntaxe de manipulation d’arbre XML). jQuery vous permet par exemple de changer/ajouter une classe CSS, créer des animations, modifier des attributs, etc. mais également de gérer les événements javascript ainsi que de faire des requetes AJAX le plus simplement du monde.

Using multiple network cards in XEN 3.0

Xen is great. But installing more than one network card became a pain when I tried it the first time. There are some documents describing the principle but I was unable to find a real life example somewhere else. So this is a summary about how it works here now. Using a bridge for a Dom is generally a good idea but then all packets traversing the bridge can be intercepted by any Dom that is using the same bridge. Having a single network card in a Xen landscape also means that theoretically each Dom would be able to sniff all packets traversing this single network card including packets to and from other Doms. A solution is to have more than one network card attached to Xen using a single network card for a single dom. The scenario described here has a server with 3 network cards installed. The first card should be used to access Dom0 and some other DomNs while the second and third network card should be used to purely access Dom1 rsp. Dom2. The Dom configuration file just needs to select the appropriate bridge for each dom.


jQuery.ifixpng - png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

by 10 others (via)
As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified elements, while keeping all element tags intact. Plugin works well with both img elements within the DOM and css properties specified externally. • It is chainable. • Unlike some other png hack solutions, it does not replace/hide any of your html tags. • You can revert applied changes using .iunfixpng(). • Extremely easy to use!

Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //

by 8 others
File inputs are the bane of beautiful form design. No rendering engine provides the granular control over their presentation designers desire. This simple, three-part progressive enhancement provides the markup, CSS, and JavaScript to address the long-standing irritation.

Footnotes with CSS and Javascript - the final word : CSS . XHTML . Javascript . DOM : Brand Spanking New

by 2 others
ve finally got around to writing the definitive version of the footnotes script I wrote in 2005. There were a number of issues raised that I've resolved in this (probably final) version: * Footnote links accessible from the keyboard * Inline HTML works in footnotes (images, links, emphasis, etc.) * Separate footnote formatting for multiple articles on one page

Quiz Alsacréations : testez vos connaissances

by 7 others (via)
Testez vos connaissances au sujet du web et de XHTML, CSS, DOM (JavaScript), PHP, MySQL, l'accessibilité du web,... Choisissez l'un des quiz dans le menu à votre droite, selon le thème qui vous intéresse. Dix questions à choix multiple vous seront alors posées. En validant vos réponses, vous accèderez à la page de résultats où votre total sera calculé et les mauvaises réponses expliquées. Bonne chance !


Utilisez le DOM et Javascript comme un chef | css4design <blog>Intégration xhtml et css :: webdesign :: ergonomie :: référencement </blog>

by 7 others (via)
Comment remplacer les gestionnaires d'événements présents dans nos pages web en redéfinissant le comportement onclick, onmouseover... des éléments XHTML ? Tout simplement en utilisant la magie du DOM et de Javascript.


Max Design - A webstandards checklist

by 15 others (via)
A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc)

Dynamic thumbnails and preview images with DOM, CSS and PHP

by 7 others (via)
Sometimes we want to offer a visitor a preview of what is lurking behind a link, especially when it is a huge picture and there might not be a need to load it. This is where thumbnails come in handy, and it is pretty easy to use CSS to show and hide a thumbnail in modern browsers

DHTML DOM JavaScript Dynamic News Box Upscroller

by 7 others (via)
Unobtrusive, fully styleable CSS + Javascript Dynamic News Box Upscroller.

Cours de manipulation du DOM et DHTML

by 18 others (via)
Il ne s'agit pas d'une bibliothèque d'effets "clé-en-main", mais plutôt de l'exposé des principes permettant la production d'effets les plus portables et adaptables possibles.


JavaScript : This is the larger part of my former JavaScript Section. It contains more than 60 JavaScript pages that explain useful scripts or other functionality. W3C DOM : This section contains all my W3C DOM scripts and the great compatibility tables. CSS : This section contains all my CSS test pages. They mostly treat CSS2, but I snuck some 1 and 3 in. It is not a complete overview of CSS, and I'm not planning to make it one either. The first thing you see is a compatibility table. Viewport : This section will eventually contain my research into the viewport and its relations to the HTML/CSS and the JavaScript document. For now it only contains a few tests and the inevitable compatibility table. Browsers : Ubiquitous browsers, extremely obscure browsers, and everything in between.

Edit text

by 6 others
n this page I give a script for updating a page which can be very useful in a content management system. Click on any paragraph and you can edit the text. When you're done, press the button and the new text shows up normally.

DOM Tooltip

by 1 other
see other : overLib

camel's TAGS related to tag dom

ajax +   browser +   checklist +   code +   configuration +   contrôle +   control +   css +   design +   drag-drop +   edit +   expandable +   file +   footnotes +   form +   gecko +   groupe:clever age +   html +   http +   ie +   ie6 +   internet +   javascript +   jQuery +   list +   listes +   lists +   log +   map +   network +   php +   picture +   plugin +   png +   qualité +   quiz +   sample +   script +   scroll +   scroller +   server +   sitemap +   standards +   svg +   tabs +   text +   thumbail +   tutorial +   web +   webdesign +   windows +   xen +   xhtml +   xml +   xslt +