public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tags "wish list" & "home decoration"

October 2011

March 2011

February 2011

poster - golden rule

"This poster is a father and son collaboration. All elements are hand drawn by Koen (age 6) with a Sharpie marker at the dining room table, then arranged digitally in our studio. The type is the “Golden Rule” as penned in the honest hand of a child. Maybe what we learned in kindergarten is most important after all…"

January 2011

黑板時鐘 NT1200

可以在上面用粉筆畫畫的時鐘 自己決定時針所要做的事情! 用的是無聲機心,連虎克船長都會買回去 直徑大概15公分,指針可以選黑板色,或是木頭原色

October 2010

July 2010

June 2010



April 2010