public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tags quote & "so true"



凝住家人快樂時光 by 張文光


In love, there are no losers.

"a genuinely generous and giving heart can never be broken."


If you’re feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color.”


Sometimes, the bad times seem like they overpower everything that was good. But.. don’t let the bad times forget what it was like to smile and be happy.

friends are...

"Friends are the sunshine of life." ~ John Hay


sometimes a good cry is 100% necessary. for release. for room. for more heart spaces. for something to be born. or maybe for disappointment, or confusion or restlessness or overwhelm.



"there are times i just feel so lucky...even if i dun have much"

my favorite quote from Le petit prince

Taking advice from my favorite quote from Le petit prince: Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux (It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye), I took my time picking my bunny, looking for a special one.

ceramic quote tag - soul/rainbow

the soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears - john v cheney

old sayings

Don't panic. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. The smallest deed is better than the biggest intention. Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. The only reason you die is because you live. Take the chance while you still have the choice. The only thing you truly own is your time. Be brave enough to live creatively. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools. Keep true to the dreams of your youth. The beginning of wisdom is to desire it. Always begin with an end in mind. The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Pick a path with heart. Take a chance in the near future. Change your luck today. Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother. Let the spirit of adventure set the tone. Dare to dream, hope, believe, seek, feel, find, and love. Be mischievous and you will not be lonesome. Originality overcomes everything. Good luck is the result of good planning.

page 100

"learn to write about the ordinary. give homage to old coffee cups, sparrows, city buses, thin ham sandwiches. make a list of everything ordinary you can think of. keep adding to it. promise yourself, before you leave the earth, to mention everything on your list at least once in a poem, short story, newspaper article."

A Day is a Tourist, A Year is a Traveler

『A day is a step, a year is a tango. A day is a tourist, a year is a traveler. A day is a chance encounter, a year says love. A day is frustration, a year is a melody. A day is a lump of clay, a year is whatever you want it to be. A day is a thought, a year is a philosophy. Every year counts. Glenfiddich.』-Glenfiddich〈Every Year Counts〉TVC

keep your heart

"Keep your heart free from hate, your mind free from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. It’s the way to happiness. Try this for a week and you will be surprised." -- H.C. Mattern

love & fear

"Deep down, at our core, there are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety, and guilt." - David Kessler


rainy days and new starts

"Be happy in whatever you do. I love how that sounds."


Remembrance is a form of meeting; Forgetfulness is a form of freedom. 記憶,是一種使人相遇的形式。遺忘,卻是一種重獲自由的方式。 紀伯倫(Kahil Gibran)

12 Essential Rules to Live More Like a Zen Monk

1. Do one thing at a time. 2. Do it slowly and deliberately. 3. Do it completely. 4. Do less. 5. Put space between things. 6. Develop rituals. 7. Designate time for certain things. 8. Devote time to sitting. 9. Smile and serve others. 10. Make cleaning and cooking become meditation. 11. Think about what is necessary. 12. Live simply. 11.

LV ads: where will life take you?

"What is a joutney? A journey is not a trip. It's not a vacation. It's a process. A Discovery. It's a process of self-discovery. A journey brings us face to face with ourselves. A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it. Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? The journey is life itself. Where will life take you?"

peace is joy

"peace is joy at rest and joy is peace on its feet" -- anne lamott