public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tags inspiration & fun




這篇教大家如何裡用旅行蒐集的地圖、票根再結合我們旅行所拍攝的影像作品, 製作出具有特別意義,又有獨特創意的「回憶旅行箱」。 準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片約10張 2. 盒子or 紙板(盒子可以找木片便當盒也可以是糖果盒) 3. 旅行地區地圖、DM 4. 色卡紙一張 5. 紙膠帶 or 重複黏貼黏土 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、相片膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片(3x5也可以但邊會有點鬆) 2. 下載繪製好的PDF版型 3. 準備一張有硬度的紙,磅數最好超過80磅的卡紙、素描紙,並裁切成A4大小 (因為要過印表機列印,請特別注意一下紙張厚度!) 4. 裝飾用的貼紙(39元商店或者文具店都有賣,對於手工不巧的人可以買這種現成的貼紙作輔助) 5. 透明片(文具行買賽路路片或者利用產品的透明包裝外盒) 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、雙面膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


merry xmas from AKQA

beware of the radiation when you enjoy this :P

handmade card for kids

"I think children really appreciate a handmade card, especially one that involves a lot of candy. And some money."

DIY project - wedding gifts

by 1 other
Hot Cocoa and Mashmallows Paper Bouquets Lip Balm Pockets Message Marbles

your message here

inspired by industrial letter signs, multi colored text, and everyday sayings... we made our own marquee sign out of wood. now the fun part begins, we want to collect your messages to post on the sign. we're not looking for insightful proverbs, but rather ordinary, simple sentiments. some of the great ideas: # You are loved. # you make my heart go boom boom boom. # I wish I was a dinosaur! # you're gonna make it after all


東京地鐵(Tokyo Metro)一系列電車禮儀宣導海報 (2008/04 - 2008/07)


Ribbon Gift-Bag Handles

Give a plain white gift bag a makeover to match your mood or the theme of the party with a simple ribbon transplant. String the ends of the ribbon through the holes to the inside of the bag and tie knots to hold them in place. Bag it, tag it, and that’s a wrap.

Creative Wrapping Ideas 6

Use Old Calendar Pages as Gift Wrap Original Purpose: Reminding you when to report for dentist appointments and teacher conferences. Aha! Use: Gift wrapping. Personalize a birthday present by taking a page from that month and circling the special day.

Creative Wrapping Ideas

Greeting Cards as Gift Tags Original Purpose: Mantelpiece clutter, proof of popularity. Aha! Use: Gift tags. Last year's holiday and birthday cards may be too pretty to throw away, but they're probably not meaningful enough to keep. Cut out hearts, flowers, or any other whimsical illustration from the card's cover, avoiding handwritten notes on the opposite side, and stash them with your ribbons and wrapping paper.