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PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tags download & inspiration



準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片(3x5也可以但邊會有點鬆) 2. 下載繪製好的PDF版型 3. 準備一張有硬度的紙,磅數最好超過80磅的卡紙、素描紙,並裁切成A4大小 (因為要過印表機列印,請特別注意一下紙張厚度!) 4. 裝飾用的貼紙(39元商店或者文具店都有賣,對於手工不巧的人可以買這種現成的貼紙作輔助) 5. 透明片(文具行買賽路路片或者利用產品的透明包裝外盒) 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、雙面膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


david seah

by 12 others
" like writing about things that empower and inspire people, covering topics such as design, development, becoming productive, and the business of being a freelancer."