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PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tag google


Is Google Authorship Photo Snippet Query Dependent, Not Content Quality or Author Dependent?

Google has recently confirmed, and Search Engine Land has reported back in December that Google “has applied a 15% reduction in the amount of rich snippets displayed in the search results.” Some have even called that an Authorshippocalypse is going on. Eeeek! Oh, the horror! There are changes going on.


Google Local Carousel and Impact on Local Business

All about the new Google Local Carousel feature, and what it means for local businesses like hotels.

Bad Site Design Won t Get Your Site Penalized by Google

The difference between a Google Penalty and having your search engine rankings go down. Seems as though there are a lot of people out there that don t know the difference, and in this blog post I clear this up.

Google to Start Showing Your Company Logo Soon in Search Results

Companies and brands who have verified their publisher status (similar to Google Authorship) will start to see their company logo or brand logo show up in the Google Search Results.

SEO Agency Launches Google AdWords Campaign Targeting Bluegl

Vizion Interactive, an SEO Agency, has launched a Google AdWords campaign where they are specifically targeting searches for a competitor’s brand name. But, in this case it’s Blueglass, an interactive marketing agency that has had its share of controversy in the past few weeks

Measure Title Tag Length in Pixels, Not Characters, for Sear

In my latest blog post on the Standing Dog blog I wrote about title tag length. Specifically, I show how it s clear that you need to start measuring your title tag length in pixels, NOT in characters. No longer should you be writing title tags based on 70 characters. Google doesn t measure it that way, so you shouldn t either.

How to Set Up Google Authorship On Your Blog

Google Authorship is becoming more and more important. Properly setup blog posts will show up in Google results with the author’s picture next to the meta description.


26 Key Takeaways from Matt Cutts Recent Keynote Address

Here are the 26 key takeaways from Matt Cutts recent keynote address at Search Engine Strategies San Francisco 2012 conference.

Google to Pay $22.5 Million to Settle FTC Privacy Charges

Google has agreed to pay a $22.5 million dollar civil penalty to settle FTC (Federal Trade Commission) charges that Google misrepresented themselves when it came to the privacy of Apple users. Google told users of Apple’s Safari web browser that Google would not place tracking cookies or serve targeted ads to those users. That violated an earlier p

How to Diversify the Anchor Text of Links to Your Web Site

Some of the latest Google algorithm changes involves the diversity of anchor text links that point to a web site or one particular web page. If you have too much of one keyword phrase in the anchor text, which tends to be around 60 percent or higher, there will be issues.

Google Plus Local Is Replacing Google Places

The days of Google Places are a thing of the past with the recent announcement of Google Local. The new service will integrate Places listings with Zagat s Reviews and Google s social layer.

The Battle of Social Search Engines: The New Bing vs. Google

Bing is set to release a heavily social integrated version of their search engine in the near future that might just give Google a run for its money. The New Bing will introduce a three-column design with new information architecture that will help users interact with their social networks.

Startup Helps Anyone Control Their Name In

A new venture-backed startup called has launched the first do-it-yourself platform that makes it easy for anyone to take control of their own name in the Google search results.

How to Track Performance in Google Analytics

PPC managers struggle with the inability to track individual sitelink performance in AdWords. Standing Dog solves the problem with Google Analytics.

Google to Retire Hosted Domains Product within AdSense

Google has decided to retire the “hosted domains” product that they have through the Google AdSense program. According to an email directly from the Google AdSense team, they have evaluated the benefits of their partner network and decided to retire the Hosted Domains program with Google AdSense.

Google Displaying Drug Rehab Ads on Whitney Houston Blog Pos

Google is displaying Drug Rehab ads on blog posts about Whitney Houston.

What Google Search Plus Your World Means to Your SEO Strageg

On January 10th, 2012, Google s search results underwent what some are calling a radical transformation. Google has begun integrating content that has been shared privately and combined it with public content in the search results. Here is what Google Search Plus Your World means for search engine optimization.


How to Create a Google Plus Business Page

As many may already know, Google Plus is now allowing people to create their very own Google Plus business page. Here is how to set up a Google Plus Business page.

Google Acquires Illegal Google Plus .com IDN Domain Name

In an effort to protect their Google Plus social network, Google recently acquired .com. The problem is that .com, aka is not allowed. It s an illegal domain name. IDN characters are not allowed or available in the .com TLD. Google, what were you thinking when you purchased this IDN .com domain name? I hope you did not pay too much f

Why You Should Not Implement Google 1 Button

Google recently introduced the Google 1 button for websites, which is their way of competing with the Facebook Like button. While the idea is good, Google s implementation of the Google 1 button is unacceptable and not up to par with today s standards.

Duplicate Content: Google Not Following Own Best Practices

Google is not following their own webmaster guidelines on their own web site. We all have issues with our web sites at one time or another. When we optimize our web sites we try to make sure that we follow the industry’s best practices. But that doesn’t always happen, even if you are Google. I have uncovered a few instances where Google is not foll

Google Places Listings in Search Results

If you search at Google for a keyword phrase that includes a city name, most likely Google will show Google Places listings as part of the Google search results. But optimizing for this has become increasingly difficult, since what Google shows and when they show it is so inconsistent. Here is how Google Places is different than the Google web resu

Google Anymote Coming Soon?

Is the next Google product going to be called Google Anymote? It appears that Google is working on a new product or service called Google Anymote, which I could see being related to or perhaps even the next generation of Google Android.

Google Search Quality Still Lacking After Google Farmer Upda

As you are probably aware, Google has been in the media spotlight lately about the Google search quality. I took a look at a recent topical search result and compares the Google search results with the Bing search results. Google s search results are filled with a duplicated PR Newswire press release. Bing, on the other hand, shows unique content w


Problems with Google Places Uncovered

Google’s recent search update where they have pulled places listings into the organic results is generating some errors in accuracy. Rob over at Standing Dog has uncovered some pretty interesting issues regarding Google Places and their integrated search results. Read the Google Places blog post to earn exactly what the problems that have been unco