public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags online & download

July 2008

Support Most Popular Software titles online instantly

With the advent of modern technological science, Internet provides an important platform to download software instantly. Quite obviously, when you are going to run your business based on digital platform, you need a wide range of application support. Needless to say, it is much easier to find out different software over the Internet than from any software vendor. So, if you are planning to buy software for your business use, it is important that you can be able to test the software or at least provided with user review of the software in order to evaluate the quality of the required software.

October 2006

Download and Save Camtasia Produced Online Flash Videos to Your Computer

The World Wide Web has gone through so many changes throughout the years. The way it is used and what it is used for continues to evolve. Some things were just fads that were fun for awhile but then people got bored of them. Other things were just bad ideas and we were glad to see them go. However, some things have become very integrated into the way we use the Internet in our daily lives. One example of this is social bookmarking. Some of the biggest, high traffic sites are social bookmarking sites that allow people to vote for the stories, news, and videos that others should see.