public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from PêUR with tags javascript & librairie

August 2008

August 2007

July 2007

June 2007

February 2007

Orangoo Labs - GreyBox

by 12 others
GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way.

December 2006

Vitamin Features | 15 Things you can do with Yahoo! UI

by 8 others
Exemple d'utilisation de la librairie javascript YUI

Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)

by 7 others
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.

yui-ext Documentation Center

by 3 others
Centre de documentation sur la Librairy javascript YUI (Yahoo! User Interface)

rikrikrik - pager jQuery plug-in

by 9 others
Pager est un plugin pour la librairie jQuery qui permet de créer un pagination sur différentes div succesives.

Interface elements for jQuery - About Interface

by 1 other
Interface est une collection de plugin pour la librairie javascript jQuery.

jTip - The Jquery Tool Tip

by 2 others
Comme la thickbox mais en infobulle (tooltip)

November 2006

GLT - Good-Looking Tolltips

by 1 other
GLT is short for Good-Looking Tooltips and it is a small JavaScript library that you can include to spice up the look of your tooltips in your web page. Move your mouse pointer over any of the headings in the main column here to see it in effect.

ThickBox 2.1

by 61 others (via)
lightbox avec toute forme de contenu

Amberjack: Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

by 28 others (via)
Une visite guidée pour votre site/blog très simple à mettre en oeuvre...

Prototype Dissected -

by 2 others
Memento librairie javascript "prototype"

October 2006

WebSnapr - Website Thumbnails For Your Site

by 22 others
WebSnapr vous permet de faire des captures d'écran de site web et génère un thumbnail en 202x152px. Il met aussi à disposition un petit javascript permettant de générer sur son blog/site le thumbnail du site vers lequel point un de vos lien. A ne pas rater...

September 2006

Scriptaculous: utilisation des effets - Peut-être une réponse ?

by 9 others
Voici un article pour vous expliquer comment utiliser les effets de la librairie javascript scriptaculous

Scriptaculous Cheat Sheet #1

by 12 others
Memento pour l'utilisation des effets de la librairie javascript Scriptaculous

August 2006

moo.fx - javascript effect library

by 69 others (via)
Dans la lignée sciptcaulous, Rico, Prototype...

June 2006

Prototype JS

by 96 others (via)
Librairie javascript à l'instar de Scriptaculous, Rico...