public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags xhtml & validateur


Sam Ruby: First Polyglot Validator Check Deployed

The only checks that are made for now is for attribute values. Attribute with values that are unquoted are flagged if either the Pedagogical or Polyglot profile is selected. Additionally, attributes without values at all will be flagged if Polyglot is selected.


Validateur W3C Multipages pour une validation de site XHTML

by 34 others (via)
Validez votre site Web en entier grâce à l'outil de validation W3C multipages complètement ajaxifié. Impressionnant !


Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla

by 17 others (via)
HTML Validator is an Mozilla extension that adds HTML validation to Firefox and Mozilla. The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing. The details of the errors are seen when looking the HTML source of the page.

Validateur HTML/XHTML

by 2 others
En français, permet de grouper les erreurs par catégorie ou par type, de coller son code source... excellent.