public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Jaks with tag fitness

June 2008

Fitness Interval Training Basics

An alternative way to work out, that was originally developed for professional athletes, is known as fitness interval training and consists, in simple terms, of intense exercise periods followed by periods of low intensity or rest.

January 2008

How To Get Rid Of That Weight Gained at Xmas

The facts are that research indicates that up to 75% of women aged between 25 and 55 in the West make a new years resolution to lose their festive bulge and nearly 90% of those report that they have had little or no success. Some have even gained weight despite their good intentions.

June 2007

How Many Calories Are Burnt During Exercise?

You know that exercise is good for you: your doctor has told you, you hear it on television and read it in every magazine you pick up. You’ve heard that exercising can help you to shed those unwanted pounds and tighten up your wobbly bits. But how does it work?

May 2007

How To Tone Those Flabby Upper Arms

The upper arms have two sets of muscles , the biceps above and the triceps below. Although it is in the triceps area that upper arm flab is evident much of this is due to gravity and it is important to exercise both sets of muscles to regain the tone and curves of the past.

January 2007

How To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscle In 3-6 Weeks

Pregnancy, childbirth and being overweight can weaken the Pelvic muscles leading to unpleasant side effects, the principle problem being incontinence.

November 2006

How To Get A Flat Tummy

All worthwhile fitness routines have a combination of three factors that are essential in getting and maintaining good muscle tone, stamina and a body beautiful.

Getting in Shape for Christmas

Only the very strong-minded will not over indulge during the Xmas holiday. It makes sense to be prepared to cope with all that extra food and drink with as little adverse effect as possible on your body.