public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Hiéroglyphe with tags tutorial & design




web designer wall

by 12 others
A wall of design ideas, web trends, and tutorials.


Breaking Out of the Box

by 3 others
One of the most commonly used arguments regarding CSS that I hear from designers who don't like web standards is, "CSS designs are so boring. They're too boxy." I can't help but find this statement to be a bit silly. To me, that's like saying buildings built with wood are boxy. An architect can create a boring-looking building. But, using the same tools, an architect can create a stunning work of art. It all depends on creativity and experimentation.


Best Practices in Object-Oriented API Design in Java

Best Practices in Object-Oriented API Design in Java.

Design Patterns

by 5 others
Design patterns in C++ and java.

Web Design from Scratch - Free web design course - basics, layout, free tutorials, case studies, how to guides and examples

by 90 others (via)
Web Design from Scratch - Free web design course - basics, layout, free tutorials, case studies, how to guides and examples.