public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Hiéroglyphe with tags html & xhtml

August 2007

February 2007

January 2007

Sending XHTML as text/html Considered Harmful

by 1 other
A number of problems resulting from the use of the text/html MIME type in conjunction with XHTML content are discussed. It is suggested that XHTML delivered as text/html is broken and XHTML delivered as text/xml is risky, so authors intending their work for public consumption should stick to HTML 4.01, and authors who wish to use XHTML should deliver their markup as application/xhtml+xml.

February 2006

Alsacréations formations HTML / CSS et conception Web

by 62 others, 3 comments
Alsacréations est une communauté dédiée à la conception web aux normes, et notamment aux standards W3C, aux feuilles de style CSS, aux langages HTML et XHTML, ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité du Web en général.