public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from 13121982 with tags extension & extensions

31 December 2005

Mozilla Extensions created by Jeremy Gillick

by 3 others
A useful collection of extensions for Firefox, Mozilla and Thunderbird written by Jeremy Gillick

28 December 2005 » ListZilla

by 5 others

Technorati Web Comments for Firefox

Niall Kennedy在原有Blogger Web Comments的基础上折腾出了一个基于Technorati的Web Comments扩展。

18 December 2005

16 December 2005

Google Firefox Extensions

by 6 others
Google Extensions for Firefox page

11 December 2005

Hypercubed : Projects : Hypercubed Firefox Extensions

by 4 others
Xinha Here! is a wrapper for the Xinha HTML editor that enables WYSIWYG editing in any html textarea and text input elements.

View Rendered Source Chart (Firefox Extension)

by 10 others
this is a great quick debugging tool for me and a lifesaver of a learning tool for those i instruct. html is all about nested containers and this clearly shows them much better than all my commenting, indentation, or syntax coloring ever could.

Web Developer Extension

by 19 others
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock and Mozilla, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

XUL Apps > XHTML Ruby Support - outsider reflex

This is an extension for supporting XHTML Ruby. It supports both simple and complex ruby markup. It's based on the style made by KITAMURA Akatsuki.

XUL Apps > Popup ALT Attributes - outsider reflex

by 1 other
This is an extension to popup alternate texts given as ALT attributes (they are not descriptions, but authors often use the attribute only for popups), like NC4, IE, and other browsers. » mozCC

mozCC is an extension for Mozilla-based browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape, which provides a convenient way to examine Creative Commons licenses embedded in web pages. - platypus: index

by 22 others, 1 comment
Platypus is a Firefox extension which lets you modify a Web page from your browser -- "What You See Is What You Get" -- and then save those changes as a Greasemonkey script so that they'll be repeated the next time you visit the page. Editing pages to sui - livehttpheaders: index

by 6 others
The goal of this project is to adds information about the HTTP headers in two ways:1. First by adding a 'Headers' tab in 'View Page Info' of a web page;2.Second by adding a tool in the 'Tools->Web Development' menu to be able to display http headers in

MeasureIt - Firefox ruler extension for web developers

by 14 others
Draw a ruler across any webpage to check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels.

Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla

by 17 others
HTML Validator is a Mozilla extension that adds HTML validation inside Firefox and Mozilla.

Aardvark Firefox Extension

by 20 others
The Aardvark Firefox extension is a tool for web developers/designers as well as casual users.

ColorZilla Extension for Firefox and Mozilla

by 19 others
Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.

07 December 2005

Nightly Tester Tools

by 4 others
This extension adds a few extras useful to those that regularly test nightly builds of Firefox, Thunderbird and the Application Suite.