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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "wait to visist"

04 August 2006

Ruby on Rails - officail site

by feision & 52 others
Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.

03 August 2006

About Us

by feision
What is Eclipse? Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing a vendor-neutral open development platform and application frameworks for building software. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation formed to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services. As it says in the Purposes section of the Foundation’s Bylaws: The purpose of Eclipse Foundation Inc.,(the "Eclipse Foundation"), is to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services.

fplanque: weblog

by feision
fplanque: dev blog Weblog on development, technology, the Internet, databases, open-source, weblogs and presumably some geeky stuff too... :P by François PLANQUE.

Joel on Software

by feision & 10 others
Joel Spolsky, a software developer in New York City. Since 2000, I've been writing about software development, management, business, and the Internet on this site. This site has been translated by volunteers around the world into more than thirty languages.e are several popular discussion boards on this site: Joel on Software Business of Software Design of Software Jobs .NET Questions CityDesk FogBugz Fog Creek Copilot For my day job, I'm the CEO of Fog Creek Software, a bootstrapped software company in New York, NY. We make FogBugz, a bug tracking system that actually works and can be used to manage everything your development does, from bug tracking to customer email to feature management to project scheduling and so much more. Check out the screenshots or the free online trial. We also make Fog Creek Copilot, which lets you control someone else's computer (with their permission, of course) over the Internet. It's the best way to fix someone's computer problems remotely. There's nothing to install, it's simple as heck, and it works through any kind of firewall, NAT, or proxy situation with zero configuration.

Eric Sink's Weblog

by feision & 1 other
Thoughts about software from yet another person who invented the Internet

01 August 2006

OpenSourceCMS - Home

by feision & 3 others
Welcome to This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.

blog 系統大評比Blogsavvy » Multi user blog tools - overall ratings and reviews

by feision & 2 others
These are the final ratings of a broader review of the multi-user blogging solutions Drupal, Elgg, Manila, Movable Type, WordPress MultiUser and pLog. These particular applications were selected for review due to the authors familiarity with them, their php / MySQL configuration and… time limitations. If you would like to suggest another particular product and offer a comparison between it and these here, please do so in the comments

[Pivot Documentation Project] what_is_pivot

by feision
Pivot is a tool, written in PHP, to create weblogs and other dynamic websites. Pivot is Free (as in beer speech), and easy to use. Because you place the software on your webserver, you do not need any tools on your own computer, but you can use all of Pivot’s functionality through your web browser. This way you can use your Pivot from wherever you like, once you have it up and running. Pivot requires no additional libraries to run, nor any databases like MySql. This is because we want to make a tool that is useable by as many people as possible. Some of the features of Pivot are:


by feision & 1 other
A forum tlaking about blogsystem

jimmy's - 哪個blog系統較好?

by feision
哪個blog系統較好? b2evolution, 電子記事簿 • 11月 16th, 2004 針對不同的blog system,每個擁護者都有自己的聲音,在台灣較少看到比較的討論,不過在國外的討論區就有老是在爭論哪個系統較好。偶然之間發現了一個比較blog的網頁

31 July 2006

performancing | kzeng's stupid words

by feision

semantic web-互动wiki,维客,维客社区,交流wiki

by feision
语义Web 的支撑软件现状 基于Semantic Web 对于支撑软件的需求, 很多科研机构和学校、公司在Semantic Web 和DAML、RDF 的基础上开展了自己的研究工作, 开发了许多工具和平台。 最早出现的是SiRPAC (Simple RDF Parser & Compiler), 它是一个由Stanford 大学开发 的RDF 的解释器,被广泛应用于许多SW1 项目。其功能还比较简单,实际上只是一个 RDF API, 本体存储形式仍然是文件系统, 不能充分发挥数据库的事务管理、分布性以及便于查 询的结构等特性。而随后出现的OpenCyc、Sesame、KAON、Jena 就显得相对完善了, 但是 也都包含不足。

2005 網絡技術回顧 - 網絡暴民 Jacky’s Blog

by feision
Ruby on Rails 是一個 Fast Development 的 Web Framework,幫你做了很多東西,讓開發者可以專注於 Business Layer。 Convention over Configuration 、Code generation 工具等等使開發速度加快了很多。而使用的語言 Ruby 也是非常簡潔有力,受到開發者的歡迎。配合 Active Records 使存取 Database record 更 OO 更方便。有很多 Web 2.0 的服務,也使用了 Ruby on Rails 作為開發的 Framework。不過,始終 Ruby on Rails 還是相當新的玩意兒,到廣範應用還是有很遠的路要走。首先要解決的,還是 i18N 的問題。

30 July 2006

The Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System

by feision & 1 other
Protégé is a free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework. The Protégé platform supports two main ways of modeling ontologies via the Protégé-Frames and Protégé-OWL editors. Protégé ontologies can be exported into a variety of formats including RDF(S), OWL, and XML Schema. (more) Protégé is based on Java, is extensible, and provides a plug-and-play environment that makes it a flexible base for rapid prototyping and application development

DFKI Competence Center Semantic Web

by feision
DFKI Competence Center Semantic Web CCSW Profile: The Competence Center Semantic Web (CCSW) is a research and development center within DFKI (the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) that coordinates cooperation between DFKI projects and departments on the development and use of Semantic Web technologies based on XML, XSLT, RDF Schema, OWL, rule languages and (semantic) web services.

MindRaider - Semantic Web Outliner

by feision & 2 others (via)
MindRaider is Semantic Web outliner. It aims to connect the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies. MindRaider mission is to organize not only the content of your hard drive but also your cognitive base and social relationships in a way that enables quick navigation, concise representation and inferencing.


by feision
聽完前衛的知識管理工具介紹,從Metadata、thesaurus、Topic Map、ontology到wordnet等,如果問我瞭解多少,只知道聽了很多新名詞,似懂非懂。然而另一種聲音告訴自己,既然身為圖書資訊工作者還是要將它弄清楚。所以會議之後,再次翻開會議論文集逐一研讀,在此與大眾分享學習所得並就教各位先進。


by feision
用博客理念解決知識管理的難題 作者:出處:天極網 [ 2005-09-23 15:40 ] 摘要:將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。   泛微的知識管理專家認為目前的知識管理存在著一系列的雷區,包括:搜索不充分,難以發現相關的知識;難以保持更新;不知道自己不知道的東西(缺乏專家引導) ;拒絕共享;難以保證質量,積累垃圾信息;使用存在障礙;容易對系統中的信息產生不信任感;喜歡「閉門造車」等。一致認為必須引進新的知識管理工具—博客。而博客技術能夠克服傳統知識管理的缺陷,滿足復雜知識環境下的需要,該技術具有靈活性和真正的「平民性」。因此,將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。

29 July 2006


by feision & 2 others
在著作權領域內工作十餘年,長久以來一直有一個夢想,希望貢獻自己些微的力量為國內著作權法制之發展盡一份心力,網路是一個有效的工具,願以「著作權筆記」與大家分享多年來之學習、研究、蒐集、觀察及分析之心得。有幾件事必須先說分明,有助於對「著作權筆記」之瞭解。 1. 「著作權筆記」之內容,祇是「筆記」,稱不上創作,它真的是「述而不作」。 2. 「著作權筆記」之內容僅代表個人目前之意見,不代表任何一方,也不意味未來不會改變,畢竟各人所見不同,社會科學之發展也會隨環境而有所變動。 3. 「著作權筆記」之內容或有錯誤,虛心歡迎各方指正。 4. 「著作權筆記」之內容歡迎作個人研究教學利用,反對未經同意而為前述以外之其他利用或營利使用。 5. 請尊重著作權,違反者必追究其民刑事責任。

28 July 2006

SVG - Google 搜尋

by feision
可變式向量圖形(SVG),係為XML的子集合之一,目前即將成為W3C對向量式圖形與電腦 動畫的正式標準。SVG可以單純地僅作圖形資料展現,亦可作為電腦動畫格式,此外亦可 與XML、JavaScript、SMIL與HTML結合,塑造多樣化的應用方式。SVG因被視為可安撫網路圖形 ...

Gimp教學內容說明 錄影檔

by feision
Gimp教學內容說明 錄影檔 A  第一章:Gimp程式的安裝 A1 Gimp程式的環境下載和安裝 gtk -2.4.3-setup A2 Gimp主程式的下載和安裝 gimp-2.0.4-i586-setup A3 Gimp動畫包裝更新程式的安裝 gimp-gap-2.0.2-setup A4 Gimp說明檔的安裝 gimp-help-2-0.3-setup 回最上層 B 第二章:Gimp的基本操作 錄影檔 B1 常用的對話工具設置 B2 製作新影像 B3 背景的製作 B4 開啟舊檔編輯 B5 放大鏡及參考線的運用 教材圖 B6 選取物件及新增圖層和移動 B7 圖層的旋轉 B8 選取區的減選 B9 圖層的去背 B10 做錯時回復到自己要的步驟 回最上層 C 第三章:Gimp影像編輯 錄影檔 C1 Logo的製作 (影像的縮放) C2 圖層的縮放及複製圖層 教材圖 C3 圖層的旋轉及裁切 C4 影像轉正及檔案還原 C5 照片曝光不足的處理(色階的應用 ) 教材圖 C6 照片曝光過多的處理(曲線的應用) 教材圖 C7 如何製作網路背景 教材圖 C8 如何凸顯前景主題 教材圖1 教材圖2 C9 炭筆畫及黑白藝術畫 教材圖 C10 翻轉圖層及顏色選擇應用 教材圖 C11 製作照片框及咖啡漬特效 C12 製作照片陰影及老照片模糊邊框幻燈片 C13 印章與水滴

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last mark : 04/08/2006 01:55