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Folksonomies | Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France

by nhoizey
Les folksonomies constituent la possibilité pour l’usager d’indexer des documents afin qu’il puisse plus aisément les retrouver grâce à un système de mots-clés. Le concept est lié à l’accroissement et à l’accélération de la production d’informations.

Do Tags Work?

by greut & 1 other the end of the day, you just google what you are trying to search.



Wordpress Plugin Tags Autolink: Huginn e Muninn

by runen
Tags Autolink automatically turns every tag name, when used in posts and pages, into a link to the same tag archive.

The Tagging Toolbox: 30+ Tagging Tools

by springnet
Tags - for some, one of the best ideas on the web, for others, merely a visual distraction. Yes, we’re talking about those loosely defined categories which are usually organized into cute little clouds. Looking for tag-related resources can be tough, so

Les associations aussi ont droit aux tags !

by daxlebo (via)
Le site Interdépendances vient de sortir de nos fourneaux. En plus d'un design épuré et plutôt sexy, il va servir de terrain d'expérimentation auprès du grand public via l'usage de tags et autres techniques de navigation modernes.

Tags : la guerre souterraine

by Lady M & 1 other
Reportage de Lundi Investigations du 26 mars à 22:35 sur canal +. - Software

by nhoizey (via)
The GeoTagging Automator Action automatically tags your images with geographical coordinates and elevation data from a GPS track file. It supports a great range of image formats, including many raw image formats like Canon CR2, Nikon NEF and Adobe DNG.

ongoing · Tag Scheme?

by nhoizey
For the tags to be interoperable and meaningful across weblogs, one could start using '' as the scheme


adaptive path » tagging vs. cataloging: what it's all about

by nhoizey & 1 other
Tags have taken the internet by storm. Where once the question was “what are they,” now all people want to know is whether a given site offers them. But what are the actual benefits of tags? What motivates millions of Flickr, and blog users to add tags to their photos and posts? And what is it about tags and tagging that gets information architects and user experience professionals so excited?

You’re It!

by springnet & 18 others
The Tagging 2.0 panel I organized at South by SouthWest 2006 in March is now a Tagging 2.0 podcast among the many SXSW 2006 podcasts you can download.The Tagging 2.0 panel was one of the “highly-rated panels” this year, tied for first place with a num

Tag and Ping Primer - Updated

by seo2020
Tutorial on the tagging and pinging and social bookmarking strategy.

Active users

last mark : 18/05/2009 09:00

last mark : 06/05/2009 07:13

last mark : 25/01/2009 16:21

last mark : 07/12/2007 10:20

last mark : 23/07/2007 08:19

last mark : 15/07/2007 00:06

last mark : 05/04/2007 14:53

Lady M
last mark : 04/04/2007 15:39

last mark : 02/04/2007 23:25

last mark : 30/01/2007 21:47

last mark : 23/01/2007 13:33

last mark : 17/01/2007 11:58

last mark : 13/10/2006 23:57

last mark : 30/08/2006 20:10

last mark : 03/06/2006 15:48