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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "springnet blogmarks" & irc

29 October 2007

WyldRyde IRC Network - Add a Chatroom To Your Web Site

by springnet
"This is actually what Lockergnome is using...we're using the WyldRyde IRC Network...we've got a nice little Java applet that pops up in the browser window...Its fantastic, I would consider using virtually no other chat software at this point. It works!

10 September 2007

mIRC v6 Tips and Tricks

by springnet
# You want mIRC to join multiple channels, depending on network: on 1:connect: { if ($network == Efnet) { join #Channel,#channel2,#channel3 } if ($network == Efnet) { /nick MyNick } if ($network == Dalnet) join #Channel4

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "springnet blogmarks"

chat +   flash +   irc + + +   webdesign +   webdev +  

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last mark : 29/10/2007 03:02