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PUBLIC MARKS with tag nomination



Tales of Old Shanghai - places - streetnames

by night.kame (via)
Pour vous y retrouver avec les anciens noms de rue à Shanghaï. Comme ça, si on vous parle d'un magasin au croisement de l'avenue Joffre et de l'avenue Pétain, vous ne serez plus perdus.

Sen. Obama Criticizes Filibuster Tactic - ABC News

by zboog
Sen. Obama, Other Democrats Oppose Alito Nomination but Criticize Filibuster Tactic

Kerry will try Alito filibuster - - Jan 26, 2006

by zboog
Sen. John Kerry will attempt a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

Why the Democrats should filibuster Alito - Minnesota Daily

by zboog
Three reasons the Democrats should filibuster the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

Kennedy 'Exclusively' a Moonbat

by jasontromm
If there is one thing to be learned from the confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court, it’s that liberal Democrats will waste no opportunity to grandstand for their far left-wing even if that means being misleading with the facts, unprofessional with the questioning, and hypocritical with the insinuations. Case in point is liberal moonbat Ted Kennedy who blasted Judge Alito for being a member of an “exclusive” club of Princeton alumni without mentioning that he is a member of an “exclusive” all-male Harvard club.

Abortion Advocates Disrupt Pro-Life Press Conference on Samuel Alito

by jasontromm
Abortion advocates disrupted a press conference on Thursday by pro-life women's groups seeking to express their support for the Supreme Court nomination of Samuel Alito. "True to form, advocates of so-called “choice” angrily tried to silence our choice to support Judge Alito’s fair confirmation process."



by ethocom
Nominations toutes fonctions, tous secteurs, CVs, coordonnées actualisées et directes. A partir de 242 euros TTC.

More thoughts on Miers

by jasontromm
I hate it when I am sympathetic to arguments on both sides of an issue as it threatens my image as a benevolently close-minded, dogmatic, doctrinaire ideologue.

Miers Won't Withdraw Top Court Nod

by jasontromm
The White House is seeking the help of Republican activists in Iowa and New Hampshire to pressure GOP senators with presidential hopes to support Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers.

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