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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flickr & "web 2.0"



by nachilau
Website which create collage



Sites photo web 2.0

by mozkart
23hq = | 2View = | 2View = | Ajaxsketch = | BattleOut = | BiteMyPhoto = | BritePic = | BubbleSnaps = | Cameroid = | Ceiva = | CellBlock = | CitizenImage = | Clicktoscan = | Colorblender = | Colorcell = | Colr = | Colrpickr = | Comeeko = | Danbooru = | Delivr = | Dropshots = | Epassportphoto = | Everystockphoto = | Extispiciousimages = | = | Fauxto = | FilmLoop = | Flappr = | Flashpaint = | Flickr = | Flickrfling = | Flickrfotofinder = | Flickrlicious = | FlipTrack = | Flowermaker = | Flyinside = | Footnote = | Fotki = | Fotochatter = | Fotoflix = | Fotolia = | Fotolog = | Fotologue = | Fotoloop = | FotoPages = | Fotowoosh = | Funtigo = | Gazzag = | Gickr = | Gliffy = | Graphita = | Graphita = | Groupr = | Illhostit = | Imageeditor = | Imagegravy = | ImageLooop = | Imaginationcubed = | Imgseek = | Imobio = | Istockphoto = | Jellybarn = | jpegr = | JPGmag = | LiveBooks = | Locr = | LuckyOliver = | MixerCast = | Mostrips = | Myheritage = | MyPictr = | Neximage = | NowThen = | Ondergrond = | Ookles = | Parazz = | Pbase = | Phixr = | Phlog = | PhotoBlog = | Photobloggr = | PhotoBucket = | PhotoCrank = | Photomap = | Photorgy = | PhotoShakr = | Photoshelter = | PhotoShow = | Photostack = | Photosynth = | Picaboo = | Picasa = | Pickle = | PicLens = | PicNik = | Picprizes = | Picturecloud = | PictureTrail = | Picupine = | Pikeo = | PikiPimp = | Pixagogo = | Pixer = | Pixilis = | Pixoh = | PixSense = | Pixsy = | PlinkMe = | Polar Rose = | PowerSnap = | PreClick = | ProtectMyPhotos = | Pxn8 = | Radar = | Rasterbator = | Ringo = | Riya = | Rockyou = | Scooch = | Scoopt = | ScrapBlog = | Sharpcast = | Shutterbook = | Shutterfly = | Slide = | Slideroll = | Slidestory = | Slidez = | Smilebox = | Smugmug = | Snapfish = | SnapJot = | SnipShot = | SpectralClass = | Spellwithflickr = | Splashblog = | Spymedia = | Stukt = | Stukt = | Textorizer = | Tiltomo = | VoiceThread = | Webimager = | Webshots = | Wiredness = | Yotophoto = | YouREP = | Zooomr = | Zoto =

flickrvision (beta)

by tomlaigle & 18 others
Des images qui apparaissent sur google maps au fur et à mesure qu'elles sont téléchargées sur flickr... hypnotique


Interestingness (tendance 025) - Jean-Luc Raymond

by nhoizey
L'interestingness ou en français "la notion d'intérêt" caractérise le fonctionnement de plusieurs plateformes du Web 2.0 (ou nouveau Web) autour de la popularité d'objets mis en ligne (textes, images et vidéos) comme par exemple la plateforme FlickR qui place l'interestingness au coeur de son écosystème

Le blog du secrétariat national aux NTIC du Parti socialiste » Blog Archive » Réagissez à la version beta du nouveau site du parti socialiste !

by nhoizey
Le web 2.0 au parti socialiste c’est depuis quelques mois un journal quotidien d’information sous forme de blog avec des podcasts, des vidéos et la possibilité de commenter chaque article, l’accréditation de blogueurs à toutes les conférences de presse et grands événements du PS, l’utilisation des logiciels libres, la diffusion de tous les contenus sous licences creative commons, le déploiement d’une plate-forme de blogs…

Matrice de services 2.0

by boninmat & 4 others
Présentation visuelle des principales catégories des sites et applications web 2.0

Matrice de services 2.0 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by jpcaruana & 4 others
La matrice réalisée par Loïc Hay d'ARTESI, vous propose un parcours de découverte des services 2.0 par familles d'usages... cliquez et testez !

The Bb Gun » How to Rollout a Web 2.0 Product

by François Hodierne (via)

Make a lot out of the application's cool features. Much coolr than a certain othr company. Even more of how young the lead developer is. Make a _really_ big deal at how young the developr is. This is important–make sure that everyone knows that how this product will kick butt because of the youth of the developer (as compared to the old farts over at … well, you know.)

Le web 2.0 pour les débutants

by François Hodierne
"Comment mettre quelqu’un qui cherche à comprendre le web 2.0 sur la bonne voie, en quelques grands principes."


by outfox
Taggage de photos par situation géographique et géo localisation


Active users

last mark : 23/03/2009 22:10

last mark : 04/09/2008 12:48

last mark : 02/04/2008 21:22

last mark : 19/06/2007 15:51

last mark : 21/05/2007 12:07

last mark : 22/12/2006 13:17

François Hodierne
last mark : 05/11/2006 19:04

last mark : 31/10/2006 08:56

last mark : 27/08/2006 18:57

last mark : 17/06/2006 18:29

last mark : 30/05/2006 14:32

last mark : 05/03/2006 20:43