public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags drupal & springnet

May 2008

Ayman Hourieh's Blog

by springnet
thoughts on Open Source software, Computer Science, and various bits from my life and the web.

April 2008

Social Media

by springnet
video, social networks, citizen media, web 2.0, mobile podcast, blog and news channel - The Technology Place for Nonprofits

by springnet & 1 other
good example implementation of drupal, see also for another great drupal site

CivicSpace Home | CivicSpace

by springnet & 1 other
cms community management software probably running on drupal and

March 2008

Austin |

by springnet
Welcome to the Austin Drupal Users Group! Our goal is to help each other, make new friends, pass along referrals, and learn new and interesting things about Drupal that will ensure our web sites are what we want them to be. Be sure to introduce yourself t

ELASTRA - The Infinite Database

by springnet
ELASTRA is the world's first infinitely scalable solution for running standard relational databases in an on-demand computing cloud. ELASTRA's exclusive, high-performance S3DFS storage technologies enable a standard RDBMS to be deployed on Amazon's Elasti

February 2008

Migrate a WordPress site to Drupal | Adding Understanding

by springnet
Recently I've been helping a few folks migrate websites from WordPress to Drupal. Presently this works for migrating to Drupal 5 so if you want a Drupal 6 site first migrate to Drupal 5 and then upgrade the site to Drupal 6.

February 2007

wholetech blog

by springnet
wholetech is a technology company based in Austin, Texas. We provide innovative web solutions using open source content management systems, like Wordpress and Drupal. We’re experts in “pumping up” your site, whether or not we design it. In oth

Active users

last mark : 02/05/2008 14:58