public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "desenvolvimento web" & ajax

January 2006

Progress Bar Using AJAX: Design Details

by bcpbcp
The sequence diagram below details the participants on both the client and server needed to provide an AJAX progress bar. The details are explained in further detail in the remainder of this document.

November 2005

Issues when working with AJAX (Mercurytide)

by bcpbcp & 2 others (via)
"AJAX, or asynchronous Javascript and XML, is one of those buzz-words causing much excitement among the web-savvy. As a method of quietly communicating with a server it allows web sites to act more like traditional applications, and is an integral part of the web 2.0 methodology. It plays an important role in Flickr, Google Maps, and Backpack, among others."

October 2005

IDG Now! Webmail Brasileiro em ajax

by bcpbcp
� frente de competidores de peso, como Yahoo e Microsoft, que ainda trabalham nos seus betas, a Inova, empresa brasileira fundada em 1996, lan�a uma plataforma de webmail baseada em AJAX, arquitetura que permite o desenvolvimento de aplica��es web ricas.

Extending AJAX with the Flash/JavaScript Integration Kit

by bcpbcp & 1 other
Want more control over the user experience? Because Flash makes graphical programming quick, easy, and attractive, and because JavaScript is very effective at manipulating HTML, they can be leveraged to focus on their strengths. Kris Hadlock shows you how to extend AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) by cross-communicating between Flash and JavaScript. Discover how this technique enables technologies to focus on specialized tasks, and helps create the ultimate user experience.

Ajax cria a nova geração de aplicativos online - Terra - Internet

by bcpbcp
"Atende pelo nome de Ajax o que promete ser uma das pr�ximas revolu��es da Internet. " Finalmente, um artigo sobre Ajax na mídia mais tradicional.

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last mark : 19/01/2006 15:15