public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & "front end"


The State of Front-End Tooling 2016 - Results - - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan

by srcmax
About a month ago, I put out the 2016 Front-End Tooling Survey. The response has been phenomenal – to date, 4,715 developers have taken the time to fill it in. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to do so.

Front-end Guidelines Questionnaire: Writing consistent & cohesive code

by dzc & 1 other
A one-page questionnaire to help your team establish effective frontend guidelines, so that you can write consistent & cohesive code together.



CSS polyfills from the future | GSS

by srcmax
GSS reimagines CSS layout & replaces the browser’s layout engine with one that harnesses the Cassowary Constraint Solver — the same algorithm Apple uses to compute native layout.


Listing snipps |

by dzc & 1 other
Bootsnipp est une collection de snippets (HTML/CSS, JS) et éléments graphiques qui viennent compléter le framework Bootstrap développé par Twitter. Vous retrouverez tout un tas d’interfaces externes au framework prêtes à l’utilisation : formulaires, barres de navigation, sliders, graphiques… mais aussi des cas très spécifiques (fenêtre de tweet, interface Gmail, etc). Bref, c’est assez varié. Un petit copier-coller et le tour est joué.

Active users

last mark : 01/12/2016 09:32

last mark : 06/10/2016 08:58