public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "Media Queries"



include-media: Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass

by srcmax & 1 other (via)
include-media is a Sass library for writing CSS media queries in an easy and maintainable way, using a natural and simplistic syntax.


Interchange | Foundation Docs

by srcmax
Interchange uses media queries to dynamically load responsive content that is appropriate for different users' browsers.


window.matchMedia - Document Object Model (DOM) | MDN

by srcmax
Returns a new MediaQueryList object representing the parsed results of the specified media query string.


This Is Responsive | Tips, Resources and Patterns for Responsive Web Design

by julie & 2 others

This Is Responsive.

Patterns, resources and news for creating responsive web experiences.

Using CSS Sprites to optimize your website for Retina Displays — miekd

by srcmax
To optimize for high-resolution screens, you have to add a reference to a larger image asset within a specific media query. So for every image asset you have at a normal resolution (or @1x) you have to add a high-resolution version (@2x). This means double the amount of files, and double the amount of selectors and file references in your CSS.


by srcmax
Semantic client-side device detection with Media Queries


Responsive Web Design - but for real!

by Monique & 1 other
Présentation de Rudy Rigot sur Slideshare

Media Queries

by Nissone & 16 others
Exemple de sites utilisant les media queries

A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel - QuirksBlog

by srcmax
Yesterday John Gruber wrote about the upped pixel density in the upcoming iPhone (960x640 instead of 480x320), and why Apple did this. He also wondered what the consequences for web developers would be.

Media Queries

by emmanuelc & 16 others
Media Queries galery - Responsive Web Design

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last mark : 23/02/2017 10:10

last mark : 15/07/2016 09:04

last mark : 17/09/2012 11:43

last mark : 15/06/2012 09:04

last mark : 31/01/2012 06:57

last mark : 18/11/2011 18:45

last mark : 10/08/2011 12:06

last mark : 08/11/2012 08:42