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Tailspin Spyworks

by ms_michel (via)
Le retour d'IBuySpy, toujours en WebForms, mais adapté pour ASP.NET 4 et Entity Framework


Graffiti CMS

by ms_michel
Le CMS Graffiti devient open source !

Orchard Project

by ms_michel
Un projet open-source destiné à fournir des composants et des applications réutilisables pour la plate-forme ASP.NET MVC, avec en particulier un CMS dont la mission est de faire oublier Oxite.

The IBuySpy Portal architecture (PDF)

by ms_michel

In this book, we'll be using the freely available IBuySpy Portal as a starting point for our intranet development. We'll look at both why we are modifying an existing intranet application rather than creating our own, and why we choose the IBuySpy Portal in particular. Once we have covered the basics, we'll take a tour of its features, looking at the files and types it consists of, how they function and fit together, and general principles behind the site. Finally, we'll take a brief look at how security is handled.


Oxite Refactor, Take 1

by ms_michel

First - the obvious: Oxite as it stands is not acceptable as a starting point for ASP.NET MVC, and they've pointed that out on there project site today. I'd like the pendulum to swing in the positive direction now, If I may.


by ms_michel
A simple blog engine written using ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit v3.5

by ms_michel
IBuySpy pour .Net 2.0 et .Net 3.5


WebImageMaker - Dealing with images in content management systems

by ms_michel
Most web-based content management systems offer a variety of tools to help contributors enter text. When it comes to graphics, content contributors are usually expected to provide web-ready images to the system. This means that either editorial users needs to know about image optimisation and web image formats, or additional staff are required to make web-ready images out of raw materials. This article demonstrates a technical solution to this problem.



by ms_michel
Applications ASP.NET et templates CSS

Dealing with images in content management systems

by ms_michel
When it comes to graphics, CMS contributors are usually expected to provide web-ready images to the system. This means that either editorial users needs to know about image optimisation and web image formats, or additional staff are required to make web-ready images out of raw materials.


DotNetPanel - The Hosting Management Portal

by ms_michel
Outils de gestion de sites IIS basé sur DotNetNuke

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag .net +   css +   mvc +   photo-gallery +   pour-memoire +  

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last mark : 03/05/2010 12:13