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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ui & webdesign



Best practices in online captioning

by sbrothier
In 2003–2004, I worked for the TILE project, a university research program in accessibility of “learning objects” in education that was funded by Industry Canada. My topic was “best practices in online captioning,” about which little has been written. I was hoping to have a few demonstration projects to show you, but then again, demonstration projects are pretty much all we've got in online captioning. I did write the following chapters.

Sous-titrage des vidéos: optimiser leur aspect pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur | Qelios Expertise – Accessibilité Web

by sbrothier & 2 others
Les référentiels d’accessibilité indiquent que les sous-titres synchronisés sont des éléments nécessaires à l’accessibilité des vidéos. Ce besoin concerne notamment les personnes en situation de déficience auditive, mais également les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue du contenu, ou ayant généralement une compréhension améliorée du contenu vidéo lorsqu’il est sous-titré.

There is No Fold (avec images, tweets) · xiwcx · Storify

by sbrothier
Luke Wroblewski went on a pretty great twitter tear debunking the persistent myth of "the fold" in contemporary (read: multi-device) web design. For posterity, here are all of the tweets including links to the sources.


5 | 5 Things UX And UI Designers Could Learn From Wes Anderson | Co.Design | business + design

by sbrothier
Director Wes Anderson has always been distinguished for his visual artistry, detail-rich sets, and storybook-like imagery. From the whimsical, campy feel of Moonrise Kingdom to the carefully crafted sets and miniatures in The Grand Budapest Hotel, Anderson’s movies are visual masterpieces.

Google Is About To Take Over Your Whole Life, And You Won't Even Notice | Co.Design | business + design

by sbrothier

Who Designed the Hamburger Icon?

by sbrothier (via)
The hamburger icon is a classic. Even if you don't know it by that name, its three black bars are as familiar as your mouse's cursor—a constant companion on your cyber journey since the day you got your first computer. But who designed this icon?

Kill The Hamburger Button | TechCrunch

by sbrothier
That little three-lined button is the devil. Whether you call it a side menu, navigation drawer, or a hamburger, hiding your features off-screen behind a nondescript icon in the corner is usually a poor mobile design choice. Interaction theory, A/B tests, and the evolution of some of the top apps in the world all support the same thesis: The hamburger button is bad for engagement, and you should probably replace it with a tab bar or other navigation scheme.

Web design as troll: how The Verge Fanboys piece taunted the internet | Vox Product Blog

by sbrothier
How do you speak to a group of extremely passionate people? What kind of design would speak to them? When Joshua Topolsky approached us about creating three different layouts in the style of three mobile UI’s we were initially torn. Something about mimicking the UI of phones didn’t feel original. But more importantly, it presented a problem of presentation. There was an inherent a UX problem to solve: do you offer presentation options or do you trick the user? We decided to troll.

Beyond Kinetic

by sbrothier & 1 other
I have been a motion designer at ustwo since 2007 and this "Blog" is a chance for me to share my views on all things motion in and around the world of interaction and mobile interface design.

Motion Ui Design Principles — Beyond Kinetic

by sbrothier
This blog is a quick look at some simple Ui motion design principles.  There isn’t too much documented about this area of mobile ui design and I thought there would be some value in expressing my views.   From what is documented already I urge anyone interested in ui motion to check out Pasquale D’Silva and Johannes Tonollo’s meaningful transitions  

by alice lee | carousel

by sbrothier (via)
Carousel is the new gallery from Dropbox that helps you organize, share, and save your photos and videos with friends and family (remember having to individually send every photo in a set over iMessage? Yeah, no more!). It’s an app that holds your photos and videos, and therefore your memories - and its story needs to do it justice.


Redesigning Google: how Larry Page engineered a beautiful revolution | The Verge

by sbrothier
Great design is not something anybody has traditionally expected from Google. Infamously, the company used to focus on A/B testing tiny, incremental changes like 41 different shades of blue for links instead of trusting its designers to create and execute on an overall vision. The “design philosophy that lives or dies strictly by the sword of data” led its very first visual designer, Douglas Bowman, to leave in 2009.


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