public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags use & how-to

March 2007

December 2006

November 2006

Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb

by jlesage & 7 others
The invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web and comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines can't index.

Digital Photography School

by jlesage
tips page, also has page with links to other resources; basic info. but many folks have a hard time with the menus on a digital camera and just use it in a point and shoot way

Internet Search, Web Design, Online Marketing & more ...

by jlesage
an overview search site that gives information on various kinds of search engines and how to improve search; very useful for teaching; can do search from this site, too

Teach and Learn Online

by jlesage
a large wiki network of people interested in all things eLearning, flexible delivery, online education, networked learning, and web 2.0

October 2006

DIY Media Tools - powered by FeedBurner

by jlesage
lots of how-to suggestions for web 2.0, from perspective of user

Internet Tutorials

by jlesage
how to for most of the basic aspects of the Internt

August 2006

Active users

last mark : 17/03/2007 18:58

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:11