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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag lifehacker



Construire une vitrine éclairée par une lampe solaire à bas prix chez IKEA - LifeHacker

IKEA pirates ont fabriqués, avec une lampe solaire à bas prix chez IKEA-le SUNNAN et du bois recyclé, une vitrine de bijoux. En utilisant un panneau solaire, cela non seulement élimine le besoin de cacher un cordon électrique disgracieux, il est également l'endroit idéal pour présenter vos créations spéciales dans des endroits sans electricité par exemple, à des foires , des expos .


Configurer l'affichage de Firefox pour WideScreen (Couch Surfing-Friendly ) - Apple mais adaptable à Pc - - Tweaks - Lifehacker

Firefox: Si vous utilisez Firefox systématiquement à une distance lors de présentations ou de votre canapé, par exemple, cette combinaison intelligente de Tweaks Firefox la rend plus facile pour vos yeux. 1. Téléchargez ce fichier userChrome.css ici. 2. Placez le userChrome.css 'dans le dossier suivant: ~ / Bibliothèque / Application Support / Firefox / Profiles / [profil]-name / chrome / [Ed. Note: Ils utilisent Mac OS X, reportez-vous cet article de la Base de connaissances MozillaZine pour trouver l'emplacement du dossier de profil dans votre système d'exploitation.] 3. Installez le plugin en cliquant sur Non Squint ici. 4. Changer de page par défaut du plugin n Squint de «plein niveau de zoom" mise à 150%. 5. Installer un thème qui fonctionne avec la taille du texte augmenté. J'ai choisi Hexxya, Qui utilise également des icônes plus petites de sorte que vous pouvez voir plus de votre barre d'adressei. 6. Profitez de votre navigateur Firefox HD!Firefox Dix Mode Couch Foot

Rasterbator - HowTo: Créer d'énormes affiches personnalisées pour votre mur (jusqu'à 20 mètres) - Affiches Murales : C'est gratuit et facile

by 1 other
Marche à suivre: 1. Téléchargez Rasterbator: ou utilisation Online web (met des restrictions sur la taille et la résolution de sortie) 2. Exécuter et sélectionnez l'image source 3. Sélectionnez la taille du papier et l'alignement: L'image rasterbated sera automatiquement divisé sur plusieurs pages, si vous avez besoin de spécifier le format de chaque unité de papier (A4, A3, etc) et son alignement (horizontal ou vertical). 4. Définir la taille de sortie: la taille de sortie est définie par la quantité de documents à utiliser pour la largeur de l'image ou la hauteur. Par exemple, vous pouvez dire Rasterbator pour produire une affiche avec une largeur équivalente à 12 horizontalement alignés A4 documents . 5. Options "rasterbation Set" : Spécifiez les paramètres de couleurs et de résolution 6. Sélectionnez le répertoire de sortie et appuyez sur "Rasterbate presse!" " 7. C'est Fait: Imprimez-le et mettez le sur votre mur !

Get Google Toolbar's Features Without the Toolbar - LifeHacker

Google's Toolbar does a few nifty things, but it is, well, a browser toolbar. And it might track your browsing without permission. Here's how to get most of its features without having to install it, or nearly any extra software.

ComparePSD - Compares Photoshop Images Layer-by-Layer - Photoshop - Lifehacker

ComparePSDquickly compares PSD files layer-by-layer, effect-by-effect to find the one you're looking for.—with thumbnails to make it all the easier. It also integrates with the Windows Explorer context menu, letting you select files to compare straight from their folder. Plus, as of today, it's free—ComparePSD is a free download, Windows only


Google Maps Max - Get GMaps Full-Screen with Greasemonkey or Stylish - Lifehacker (Pour les français : dans Greasemonkey autoriser " " et cela marche trés bien!)

Wipes out the top header whitespace and displays your map full screen, with an optional driving directions sidebar...And removes the Google copyright symbol and increases the inset map window four times. Check out some side-by-side comparison screenshots. Pour les français : dans Greasemonkey autoriser " " et cela marche trés bien!

Rangement de Cables - Raccourcir avec Une Chaine de noeuds réversibles - Lifehacker

Daisy Chain Knots Resize or Store Spare Cords Without Clutter : Productivity weblog Silver Clipboard details how to daisy chain your computer cords and demonstrates how doing so can be extremely handy for decluttering your cords.

DVRMSToolbox - Remove ads automatically from recorded TV - Windows Media Center plug-in Lifextende - LifeHacker

Some commercials are worth their short time commitment, but sometimes you just want to watch exactly 24 minutes of condensed television. Windows Media Center plug-in Lifextender does the job inside your hooked-up PC, while DVRMSToolbox runs through Media-Center-recorded files independently, and can then export them to more generally usable formats than Windows' somewhat locked-down system. (Original posts: Lifextender, DVRMSToolbox)

SmillaEnlarger - Enlarges Your Images without Artifacts - Image Editing - Lifehacker

SmillaEnlarger is an open-source and portable application designed to help you intensively massage an image enlargement to keep it from looking jagged and filled with artifacts. You can select the level of zoom using the zoom slider and the location of the zoom via the selection box.

Fireclip ___Creer une page qui contient plusieurs portions d'autres Pages__Brings Mac-Like Web Clipping to Firefox__Featured Firefox Extension:

Windows/Mac/Linux (Firefox): Fireclip, a free plug-in that monitors specific sections of web pages, puts the at-a-glance convenience of the OS X widget screen in a Firefox tab. Using Fireclip is darned easy. Activate with a shortcut (Alt+Q) or from the Tools menu, and its sidebar pops out. Hit "Select Clip," and you can mouse around to see the pre-defined sections of the page. Click once, and you'll be asked to re-size your selection with the familiar two-directional arrows at the edges of your are


Freepath is a Free File Sharing and Presentation Solution

Windows only: Create and mix your own file and media playlists with Freepath. Users can create file playlists from a variety of sources: files from their own computers, video files found on YouTube, photos from Flickr, nearly anything you can drag and drop from the web or your own computer can be dumped into Freepath. Once the files are placed within a playlist, users can opt to keep the list as spartan or create a slideshow complete with transitions and extra effects. One of the more unique features of Freepath is that files remain editable once they are embedded into the playlist.

FfChrome Compacts Firefox's Right-Click Menu

Windows/Mac/Linux (Firefox): FfChrome, a free add-on for Firefox browsers, lets users who do a lot of link-grabbing, picture saving, and other right-click-type operations decide exactly what they should see when they right-click anything in their browser. Once the extension is installed, users can check or un-check particular context menu items, such as the "Email this" tools, to and create a trim right-click box with just the essentials. Hover over the "Show All" option, though, and everything rolls out. FfChrome doesn't appear to support right-click items brought in by other extensions, though, so hopefully the developer will work the add-on into those options.

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps

Instantly Locate Yourself on Google Maps Firefox with Greasemonkey (All platforms): The Google Maps & Geode Greasemonkey user script adds a small Current Position link next to the Google Maps search box that instantly locates you on a map using Firefox's new geolocation technology. To use this script right now, you'll need to install the previously mentioned Geode Firefox extension—but as soon as Greasemonkey supports Firefox 3.1, which itself supports geolocation natively, you won't need any extra extensions. Since so many Google Maps searches start at your current location, whether you're getting directions or looking for nearby businesses, this quick link cuts out the work of entering in your address each time. Handy!

QuickStart Configures Your Ubuntu System Without Terminal Work

Linux only: QuickStart, a free automation utility for Ubuntu Linux systems, makes it easy to perform partial or full system backups of any partition, synchronize folders and update them on a schedule, and take care of other tasks a beginner would normally need to spend serious time researching. The tiny app opens a simple interface listing your choices, although dialog prompts guide you through any steps requiring input. The tools for installing DVD playing codecs, backing up your Master Boot Record, and creating synchronized backups seem particularly helpful, and while I haven't tested every function, a handful of them completed without any problems. QuickStart is a free download for Ubuntu systems only; both links below carry non-terminal installation instructions for the script.

Search by Color and Other Experimental Picasa 3 Beta Features

our screenshot tour of the photo manager's new features. The most wonky among them is a color search tool, which, as Gil points out, is only so helpful without percentage scaling. On the more useful side, "Show duplicates" helps you weed out carbon photo copies, and you can save searches and compile tagged photos as albums. Hit the link for a screenshot roundup of the not-quite-ready-for-primetime features. 5 Obscure Picasa Features You Probably Didn't Know About [Gil's Method]

VideoSurf Finds People Inside Web Videos

Search site and aggregator VideoSurf isn't perfect at what it tries to do, but it can be occasionally, surprisingly good at spotting particular faces inside videos. The indexing engine (currently in beta, of course) sorts through videos from most of the popular Flash-based sites and lets you search to find only videos with, say, Jerry Seinfeld's actual image in them. A few of my searches turned up false positives, but others yielding surprising accuracy, and VideoSurf's interface lets you skip right to the sections featuring your searched man or woman. VideoSurf is a free to use, though you can sign up to save your searches.

Animation à céer en ligne ___Xtranormal Makes You the Director of a 3D Clip

Xtranormal, a free 3D animation creation and sharing tool, is a seriously addictive sandbox for crafting miniature dramas, comedies, or whatever you can tell your little actors to do. The clip editor works like a storyboard that you drag story changes onto. So in one "scene," for example, you can have the camera switch to a close-up view, have your character wink and then recite some decent text-to-speech dialogue, then have them cross their arms and make the camera go for an overhead shot. You can add another character, change the backdrops, turn the camera positioning to automatic, and generally spend way too much time being an online Hitchcock (or Scorcese, or Tarantino, or any other name you care to drop). Building the movies takes a good chunk of time, and sometimes fails entirely, though that might be due to early-discovery traffic. Xtranormal is free to use, requires a sign-up to save your clips for later editing. Feel free to share links to your own mini-epics in the comments.

Reader Poll: What Kind of Server are You Running at Home?

Quite a few suggestions on putting those old boxes to use, including a home FTP server, an always-available MP3 jukebox, a remote-controlled BitTorrent monster, and many more. But we're always intrigued to see what our creative readers are doing to get the most out of their systems, new or old. Tell us what kind of server you're rocking in the poll below, and share the glorious details in the comments—how it's networked, what it can do, whether you can shut it down from your cell phone, and the like. And if you want to point us to any guides you used to create your trusty sidekick, all the better.

ikea hacker

by 8 others
WANTED: your ikea hacks. whatever they may be - a funked up klippan sofa, an ingenious idea for your pax wardrobe, a creative twist on your kitchen countertop, or even advice on how to finally stop forby stools from wobbling, i'd love to see your ikea hacks

Empecher son Chat de manger les plantes avec une camera Automatisée___DIY Blender Defender Keeps Cats off Counters

build a motion-sensing security-camera booby trap that scares the crap out of your cat whenever she jumps up there. Most of us would settle with the former option, but an inventive fellow named Brian decided that option two was the way he'd rather go, and the result is the Blender Defender. When triggered, Blender Defender switches on a blender, flashes a strobe, and terrifies cats.

Add Google Calendar and Reader to Your Gmail

Firefox with the Greasemonkey extension: Not since Gmail saw its interface overhaul last October has a scripter embedded Google Calendar and Reader into Gmail easily—until now. Two new user scripts integrate both Google Calendar and Google Reader onto the same screen as your email inbox. Here's what it looks like.

Screenshot Tour: US - Picasa 3 Beta's New Features

Windows/Linux: Picasa, Google's photo management tool, has quietly announced a new beta that adds basic movie editing, fuller syncing to Web Albums, and many other features and changes. Actually, the biggest change in the new Picasa isn't in the software itself—it's a new "quick view" utility, which replaces the basic double-click viewing tool in Windows with a Picasa-friendly, drop-cloth-style window. Five new collage styles have also been added to the offerings, and Picasa's new "Movie Maker" tool lets you create slideshow-style clips out of stills or trim and paste video clips together. Check out Picasa's help section for more details on what's new and what's changed, or read on for a peek at some screenshots from the new release.

Routeur Hack____with open-source firmware Tomato____Set Up Universal Ad Blocking Through Your Router

"If you've turned your $60 router into a user-friendly super-router with open-source firmware Tomato, you already know that Tomato can boost your Wi-Fi signal, track bandwidth usage, and set Quality of Service rules with ease."

ReadTheWords.com___Program that can "read" text out loud

program that can "read" text out loud? I tried a few but they sound like robots talking. It would be nice to listen to blog articles while working. ...or do I need to just free up more reading time? .Seems to work pretty nice, you can choose the different voices that you want. They have a nice toolbar you can install and you can download the recordings to MP3 and use them on your MP3 player.

decembre's TAGS related to tag lifehacker

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