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PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdocumentaire & video



by sbrothier & 1 other
THE NEW STANDARD IN INTERACTIVE VIDEO Interlude videos are interactive, engaging and completely seamless, offering a multi-layered video experience for the digital age

THE SOURCE | Conversations with DOUG AITKEN

by gregg
a series of candid video conversations with several dozen noteworthy figures about their creative process


Experiments in Interactive Documentary « The Pixel Report

by gregg
Ingrid Kopp, Head of Digital Initiatives at Tribeca Film Institute, looks at what robots, coal miners and mobile phones have taught us along the way in her Conference presentation Experiments in Interactive Design. Find out what they are in the video below…

I Love Your Work · An interactive film by Jonathan Harris

by gregg & 1 other
I Love Your Work is an interactive documentary about the private lives of nine women who make lesbian porn. It consists of 2,202 10-second video clips, taken at five-minute intervals over 10 consecutive days. The full interactive website is limited to just 10 viewers per day, and tickets cost $10 each.

I Love Your Work · An interactive film by Jonathan Harris

by sbrothier & 1 other
I Love Your Work is an interactive documentary about the private lives of nine women who make lesbian porn. It consists of 2,202 10-second video clips, taken at five-minute intervals over 10 consecutive days. The full interactive website is limited to just 10 viewers per day, and tickets cost $10 each.


Best of the Web - Framework - Photos and Video - Visual Storytelling from the Los Angeles Times

by sbrothier
The MIT Open Documentary Lab and the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam’s project, “Moments of Innovation,” documents the process of documentation.  The project spans from the 17,000-year-old cave paintings to modern-day virtual reality.

94 Elements | Stories from Hydrogen to Plutonium

by sbrothier
There are 94 naturally occuring elements, from hydrogen to plutonium. Together they make up everything in the world. 94 Elements is a global filmmaking project, exploring our lives through the lens of the elements. Everything that surrounds us is made from these 94 building blocks, each with its own properties and personality. Our own bodies are mostly made from just 6 of them. The stories of the elements are the stories of our own lives. They reveal the patterns of our economies and the state of our relationships with our natural resources. The project is in part a celebration of the art of documentary film and some of the best filmmakers working today are making new films for the project. There'll also be opportunities for talented new and emerging filmmakers and animators to pitch their own films, with the winners chosen by you - the project community.



by gregg
With broadband came a new breed of documentaries, educational stories and advertizements that are interactive, rich audio-visual experiences. But until now these projects had to be build from the ground up by people with design and programming skills. Not anymore. Storyplanet wants to introduce an easy way to mix media, design and online services into interactive stories that can be published to multiple platforms and devices.

France24 - "Prison Valley", 18 mois de travail récompensés

by srcmax

Le webdocumentaire "Prison Valley", qui propose un voyage dans l’industrie carcérale dans le Colorado, a reçu le prix du webdocumentaire France 24 et RFI au 22e festival Visa pour l’image. Retour sur 18 mois de dur labeur.

Standing by Darrell

by srcmax

Alexandre,fondateur d’Upian qui a produit le web documentaire Prison Valley, évoque dans la première partie de l’interview le parcours qui a conduit de au webdocu. Il prévoit un futur rayonnant à ce format et nous parle de ses envies.

by gregg
For years I’ve used the lens of a television camera to tell the stories of homelessness and the organizations trying to help. That was part of my job. The reports were produced well and told a story, but the stories you see on this site are much different. These are the real people, telling their own, very real stories… unedited, uncensored and raw.


yellowBird Video Platform Puts You In the Middle, But Can It Tell a Story? - - The Evolution of Story.

by sbrothier
Interactive video has a long way to go, but Netherlands based yellowBird and their 360 degree offering might help move it along. We, as a species, watch a lot of vids. Buckets full, really. And for the most part, we're comfortable pressing play and being spoon-fed the story. This, at least in part, explains the lukewarm reception - commercially speaking - of interactive films. Most of the 'interactivity' centers on controlling the story.

Web-documentaire : un nouveau genre en essor, Vu sur le web - Information

by srcmax

Le web-documentaire mis à l’honneur durant le Festival européen des 4 écrans s'installe sur la toile et conduit les journalistes à réinventer leur métier.

24h Berlin on The Auteurs

by sbrothier
24h Berlin is television's longest programme ever: No actors, no screenplay, no tricks – just real life. A 24-hour documentary, told in real-time, airing September 5th. On that day, in 2008, a story both intimate and exotic began in Berlin, a story told from the perspective of the people. Exactly a year before today's broadcast, 80 camera teams immersed themselves in the lives of Berliners, for 24 hours.

Minimovies - A new series of documentaries made for the digital age

by gregg
A Minimovie is an episodic documentary consisting of a series of 8 to 10 episodes of 3 to 7 minutes each. Put together, the episodes form a self-contained story.

Rethink Afghanistan

by gregg
Collateral damage means dead civilians. These casualties are the direct result of U.S. foreign policy and military operations funded by our tax dollars. We must speak out against civilian casualties in Afghanistan.

#3 Les cordes vocales de l’Upian -

by srcmax

Troisième volet de notre série sur l’Upian, la société de production à l’origine de nombreux webdocumentaires tels que Thanatorama ou Gaza/Sderot. Alexandre Brachet, son fondateur, nous emmène dans les studios sons.

Le webdocumentaire au CFPJLab « HemispheriqueS

by srcmax (via)

Le 28 avril, le CFPJ Lab proposait une rencontre professionnelle autour du webdocumentaire, une nouvelle occasion de faire partager l’expérience acquise lors de la réalisation de en collaboration avec la société Upian. Pour ceux qui n’étaient pas là, un rapide résumé réalisé par nos hôtes et l’occasion de découvrir la brillante prestation de Joël Ronez, responsable web de la chaîne Arte.



by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
Vous êtes dans un cinéma d'un nouveau genre...

Lauren Greenfield Photography - Kids + Money intro

by sbrothier
Money Talks: Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.

Geo - Webreportage

by Neithysk & 1 other
Le transjournalisme par le magazine GEO : un reportage vidéo web interactif avec vidéo, témoignages, photos et commentaires à l’appui.


by alexandre & 1 other

"Les Yeux dans l'Ecran", une série documentaire de Julien Gaurichon.

Avec Ana-Maria de Jesus, Upian et le Web flash festival (Nicolas Gans et Guylaine Monnier).

Accompagnant l'essor d'Internet, une nouvelle forme de documentaire a vu le jour sur la toile : le webdocumentaire. Informant le spectateur/surfeur de façon inédite, il permet une interaction avec le visiteur que n'offrent pas les autres médias comme la télévision ou la radio. Spécialistes du Net et concepteurs de webdocumentaires nous font découvrir ce moyen de communication révolutionnaire, entre oeuvre d'art et source d'informations.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag webdocumentaire

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