public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag urn

December 2006

Rappel sur les pointeurs internet (URI/URL)

by clochix
Article de présentation des concepts d'URI, URL, URN, URC

April 2006

Internet-Draft : A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - draft-goodwin-iso-urn-00 - J. Goodwin, ISO - April 12, 2006 - Expires: October 14, 2006

by digitalmonkey
"This URN NID is intended for use for the identification of persistent resources published by the ISO standards body (including documents, document metadata, extracted resources such as standard schemata and standard value sets, and ..."

March 2006

Ben Griffiths’ weblog » Blog Archive » Using URNs to identify products

by digitalmonkey
<ul class='identifiers' style='display: none'> <li> <a class='url' href='urn:ean.ucc:4960999255118'>urn:ean.ucc:4960999255118</a> </li> </ul>

RFC 4195 (Informational) : A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the TV-Anytime Forum - W. Kameyama, GITS, Waseda University - October 2005

by digitalmonkey
"This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace that is engineered by the TV-Anytime Forum for naming persistent resources published by the TV-Anytime Forum including the TV-Anytime Forum Standards, XML (Extensible Markup Lang

RFC 4246 (Informational) : International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) URN Definition - M. Dolan, TBT - February 2006

by digitalmonkey
"This document is the definition of the formal Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace Identifier (NID) for ISAN".

RFC 3615 (Informational) : A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for SWIFT Financial Messaging - J. Gustin, A. Goyens, SWIFT September 2003

by digitalmonkey
"This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace that is managed by SWIFT for usage within messages standardized by SWIFT".

January 2006

Internet-Draft : "duri" and "tdb" URN namespaces based on dated URIs - L. Masinter, Adobe Systems - April 17, 2004 - Expires: October 16, 2004

by digitalmonkey
"The first namespace ("duri") is used to refer to URI-identified resources as they appeared at a particular time. The second namespace ("tdb") is useful as a way of creating URNs that refer to physical objects or even abstractions that are not themselves

November 2005

RFC 3085 (Informational) : URN Namespace for NewsML Resources - A. Coates, Reuters - D. Allen, IPTC - D. Rivers-Moore, Rivcom - March 2001

by digitalmonkey
" This document describes a URN (Uniform Resource Name) namespace for identifying NewsML NewsItems".- e.g. :

RFC 3188 (Informational) : Using National Bibliography Numbers as Uniform Resource Names - J. Hakala, Helsinki University Library - October 2001

by digitalmonkey
"This document discusses how national bibliography numbers (persistent and unique identifiers assigned by the national libraries) can be supported within the URN (Uniform Resource Names) framework and the syntax for URNs defined in RFC 2141".

RFC 3303 (Informational) : Report from the Joint W3C/IETF URI Planning Interest Group: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), URLs, and Uniform Resource Names (URNs): Clarifications and Recommendations - M. Mealling, Ed., R. Denenberg, Ed.,

by digitalmonkey
"This document addresses how URI space is partitioned and the relationship between URIs, URLs, and URNs, describes how URI schemes and URN namespaces ids are registered, and presents recommendations for continued work on this subject".

September 2005

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last mark : 06/12/2006 10:16

last mark : 13/04/2006 19:11