public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags search & indexing


Moving the Marketplaces to Elasticsearch - We build Envato

by Xavier Lacot
A very interesting feedback on Solr vs ElasticSearch. Mainly deals with indexing and search performance.


elasticsearch - blog - Percolator

by Xavier Lacot
ElasticSearch's new "Percolator" feature, which enabled to index queries and find which documents match them : instead of sending docs, indexing them, and then running queries, one sends queries, registers them, and then sends docs and finds out which queries match that doc.


ElasticSearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine

by Xavier Lacot
A distributed, highly available and restful search engine. It looks very promising and rather easy to deploy and have working. The killer feature : schema-less indexing (auto-discovery based on conventions). A serious concurrent to Solr ?

Scaling Lucene and Solr | Enterprise Search support for Apache Lucene and Solr by Lucid Imagination

by Xavier Lacot
An interesting article from Lucid Imagination employee Mark Miller about Scaling Solr. It gives a lot of good practices and tips on how to get the best out of one indexing machine, and explains how to use Solr built-in replication system.


Glosk - Indexing the planet

by Mal Burns (via)
A new "mashup" site which integrates multiple search features into one grid. Still in Beta but it looks promising.



Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 04/12/2012 15:03

Mal Burns
last mark : 21/02/2007 13:08

last mark : 15/12/2006 13:43

last mark : 26/01/2005 21:07