public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag photoblog


Underground New York Public Library

by shadoko
The Underground New York Public Library is a visual library featuring the Reading-Riders of the NYC subways



50 Excellent Image Galleries You Can Use Today | Nettuts

by mozkart & 3 others
Here are 50 of our favorite free image galleries that you can quickly plug into a design. They've been built with everything from CakePHP to jQuery to Ruby on Rails. A shout-out to all the developers involved in sharing their work with the community!

2009 - A documentary photoblog

by Karp
A photoblog by Dutch documentary photographer Erik Kroes from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

WordPress › Elegant Grunge « Free WordPress Themes

by mozkart
An unwashed yet crisp theme with a feature footer, styled image frames, a page template with a uniquely configurable sidebar and a photoblog tag page

Sun Ship

by shadoko (via)
Franpi, photographe et chroniqueur musical de Rouen, aime la photo, les concerts, les photos de concerts, la bière, les photos de bière, le Nord, les photos du nord, Frank Zappa et les photos de Frank Zappa, ah, non, il est mort.

Make Pixelpost iPhone friendly | The Darkroom

by mozkart
Chris, a reader of this website (and a cool photographer, check his website Intelligent Cloud), asked me how I did to setup an iPhone friendly version of ReallyJapan Photoblog and automatically redirect the users with an iPhone to this website. As you know, ReallyJapan is using Pixelpost, a free photo blog application. Pixelpost has many great templates, and one of them, Hoo is an iPhone optimized template. The problem is that in Pixelpost control panel you can select only one template, and there’s no option to specify one template for certain users and a different one for the others.


Faire un photoblog avec flickr |

by simon_bricolo
rapide totu pour intégrer Flickr à WOrdpress pour en faire un photoblog

Pixelpost » Home

by srcmax & 19 others
The best photoblog app just got better.

Un lecteur de flux RSS photo pour voir vos photoblogs en images

by daxlebo
Découvrez en version bêta un nouvel agrégateur de flux RSS photo. Alors que la plupart des lecteurs RSS vous présenteront les informations sous forme de longs discours, le Mur de Flux va puiser dans vos flux RSS/Atom pour n'en garder que les images. Il les affichera alors une mosaïque de flux visuels. Sélectionnez vos flux pour personnaliser votre mur.


by webs & 2 others
Photoblog à propos des pates

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag photoblog

flash +   navigation +   photo +   travel +   voyage +  

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last mark : 04/07/2012 13:11

last mark : 22/03/2011 11:06

last mark : 17/10/2010 20:52

last mark : 04/11/2009 22:00

last mark : 16/10/2009 14:07

Jeremy B.
last mark : 26/07/2009 21:04

last mark : 05/11/2008 22:57

last mark : 22/09/2008 12:31

last mark : 21/07/2008 17:55

last mark : 13/06/2008 14:58

last mark : 09/06/2008 09:09

last mark : 16/05/2008 12:02