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PUBLIC MARKS with tag engagement




Six Simple Tips For Better Facebook Page Success

by Teulliac
If your brand’s Facebook page isn’t exactly the life of the social media party, there’s still hope. Digital marketing agency iCrossing studied the brand pages of Fortune 500 companies for a year and came up with some ways that engagement can be fostered. Though most page administrators don’t have the big bucks to spend on campaigns, the six steps from iCrossing apply to any budget.

How To Measure Facebook Page Engagement - AllFacebook

by Teulliac (via)
Are you trying to figure out how much your fans really like you or your brand? This guide outlines a few things you should never miss when monitoring your Facebook page performance.

Why The Current Facebook Engagement Rate Calculation Is Inaccurate | Wise - Facebook Analytics

by Teulliac
As the social media analytics field is pretty knew, it’s really important to understand how the metrics are computed. Let’s take for example, one of Facebook’s core metric : the “Engagement Rate”.  What is supposed to be measured with the Engagement Rate ? “The Engagement Rate measures how well your Fans interact with your content”. That’s a common definition. What’s that supposed to mean ? If you have a 0.02% Engagement Rate, it means 0.02% of your fans have engaged with your content, isn’t it ?

The 6 Pillars of Social Commerce: Understanding the psychology of engagement - Brian Solis

by Teulliac
Social media is about social science not technology. As such, its value is not realized in the Likenomics of relationship status nor in the scores individuals earn by engaging in social networks. The value of social media comes down to people, relationships, and the meaningful actions between them. As such, its value is measured through the exchange of social currencies that contribute to one’s capital within each network. Through conversations, what we share, and  the content we create, consume and curate, we individually invest in the commerce of information and the relationships that naturally unfold. It is in how these relationships take shape that is both in and out of your control. This is why, in the age of social networking, relevant engagement counts for everything.

A Facebook Like Does Not Equal an Opt-in

by Teulliac
I’m writing this post while visiting Antwerp, Belgium as part of the Social Business Sessions I’m hosting along with The Fusion Marketing Experience. While here, I had an opportunity to spend time with several Belgian journalists. One of the notable conversations was with Erik Verdonck of Pub, a local magazine focused on the advertising industry. The three themes we touched upon are not only timely, but representative of the challenges that face marketers and strategists around the globe.

Les techniques secrètes de l’engagement sur internet

by Teulliac
Si vous cherchez un philtre d’amour pour passer la bague au doigt à votre conjoint, passez votre chemin. Cet article vise à expliciter des astuces permettant d’alpaguer les internautes et de provoquer en eux une réaction que vous souhaitez : l’engagement. Comment ? En instaurant un effet domino inconscient. Si vous avez l’habitude de lire des articles traitants des médias sociaux, vous n’avez pas pu passer à côté de la notion d’engagement (même si le storytelling a plus la côte depuis quelque temps). Escomptée par les marques, démocratisée par les blogueurs, monétisée par les agences et recommandée par les internautes, cette notion est un pilier du web social qui sait se faire désirer. Au-delà des considérations mercantiles, l’engagement c’est avant tout l’assurance d’une synergie productive avec la marque, le signe indéniable d’une cardiométrie au beau fixe. C’est également l’opportunité de travailler sur des problématiques centrales comme la relation client. Toutefois, savez-vous réellement ce que sous-entend l’engagement ? Ce nom recouvre-t-il plusieurs réalités/vérités ? Quelles techniques peuvent faciliter son émergence ? Par quels leviers webmarketing cela peut-il se traduire ? Comment les internautes peuvent s’engager par eux-même ? Comment exploiter l’engagement pour en soutirer des bénéfices durables  ?


iPhoneで始まった“ブランドアプリ”の可能性 - 記者の眼:ITpro

by kuroyagi


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by anthony341 (via)
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Engagement Ring

by kuroyagi

How One Advertiser Uses Microsoft Engagement Mapping - ClickZ

by kuroyagi (via)
"display advertising deserves considerable credit for the wireless carrier's online conversions -- even those that take place through search. A combination of search and graphical ad units resulted in a 56 percent lift in conversion rate when compared with search advertising unaccompanied by graphical units."

MS、オンライン広告効果測定の新手法「Engagement Mapping」 - ITmedia News

by kuroyagi
"米Microsoftは2月25日、オンライン広告の効果を測定する新手法「Engagement Mapping」を発表した。従来の測定法では、売り上げやリード(誘導)、Webトラフィックに直接結びついた、直前のクリックだけを報告するのが一般的だった。一方新手法では、購入に至るまでに消費者が取った複数の行動を測定するという。"


live jewelry auctions

by slashman
Huge online jewelry auction site gives up to 95% off gold jewelry, silver jewelry, diamond jewelry, engagement rings, wedding rings, diamond rings and more. 1,000’s of jewelry auctions occurring every hour and starting at $1

Diamond Engagement Settings

by alf007
Planning for you own diamond engagement ring setting – what else can you ask for?! As exciting as it sounds some get stressed and in the end mess everything up. Now, this ring is something that you will have with you for the rest of your life so you got to put a bit of time and effort into it.

La République des Idées

by c.taransaud & 3 others
Un lieu de production et d’échange d’idées neuves. Un lien entre les personnalités, organisations et publications qui défendent la force des idées comme moteur de l’activité humaine.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag engagement

Diamond +   gold +   jewelry +   rings +   Silver +   wedding +  

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