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PUBLIC MARKS from tehu with tag browser


Google Chrome Frame


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"> inséré dans l'entête de page, et Chrome met IE au chomage technique. Ça a l'air rigolo.

Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS

by 3 others

Clouds Taste Metallic


<!-- We start our little story with the invention of the modern day computer. Over the years, the computers grew in numbers, and the next natural step in the evolution was ... -->

Un indice donné par un insider mais c'est peut-être une fausse piste.


Inside Chrome: The Secret Project to Crush IE and Remake the Web

Après la BD, les vidéos : la photo en tête de reportage. C'est le premier projet de Google où les ingénieurs sont mis sur le devant de la scène. Memo : chez Google on reste cool même sur les projets secrets (pas comme ce paranoïaque de Steve Jobs).

"Placing Blame Where Blame Belongs"

L'extension gourmande en mémoire, principale cause de l'obésité de Firefox ? -- C'est comme ça que je l'interprète.

Steve: Developing on the Edge - Browser Versioning

The failure of the IE6 family to be updated between 2001 and 2007 has done more for open source and web standardisation than any action by the US and EU governments. // I completely agree. And this failure has yet to be explained.


Timeline of Web Browsers

by 8 others, 2 comments
Une charte historique des navigateurs Web

Flock - the social web browser

by 60 others
Quelques bonnes idées, mais la version Linux est plus lente que Firefox - dommage (v. 0.9)

Chris Wilson at FOWA (Nitot set)

An unknown member of Flock of Seagulls? - puff puff...


(French) IceWeasel against Mozillan FireFox

Last saturday during a conference on Free Software at Lyon. Invectives and insults have ensued on blogs.

More W3C controversy

by 1 other
Sachem David Baron a parlé. Et en tire les conclusions : pragmatique, même si cela tend vers la fin d'un Web unifié “as we would love to”.

Thank You from Apple!

Apple gives 12 MacBook Pro to the top 12 contributors of the Webkit OSP. "Ca sert de bosser pour les riches!"


IE7 developper to community : Tell us what you need. We can't guarantee that we will do that.

This thread could be entitled : Web Developers on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. - downloads : testing layouts with old IEs

by 9 others
Many IEs on one partition : that's possible !

2004 : worst remake site of the year

by 50 others
You are accessing with a browser that is not currently supported. * Hey les gars, on est en 2004...

On Extending HTML : Hixie's response to Dave H.

You simply can't. Come on and let's discuss on WHAT-WG. * Ha ça ils ne passeront pas leurs vacances ensemble mon p'tit Jean-Mimi.

On implementing SVG : Matt May's response to Dave H.

by 1 other
You know that a KSVG engine exists, don't you ?

On Extending HTML

Dave Hyatt's purposes : 1- learn the real-world standards * 2 - SVG sucks * 3 - XHTML support is worse than HTML * Cough cough cough

Windows cannot find (URL)

Launching an external URL in FireFox throws an annoying alertbox. This FF release is less appealing than to it used to be.

Mozilla Firefox 0.9 (One Tree Hill) Release Notes

New judicious features but far from the perfect release : some glitches, new average default theme, missing extensions awaiting to be updated

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