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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag school


(5) Summit for Teachers - Página inicial

Highlights info row image R Nova York 394 04560000 São Paulo Como chegar Highlights info row image (11) 5535-1161 Highlights info row image Normalmente responde dentro de algumas horas Enviar mensagem Highlights info row image Highlights info row image Escola de idiomas Highlights info row image Sugerir edições

Cursos de Inglês Summit Cursos de Inglês

SUMMIT Uma escola para quem realmente quer aprender corretamente um idioma. Elaboramos programas especiais de aulas com princípios metodológicos que objetivam um aprendizado progressivo que traz resultados efetivos para todos os perfis de alunos. CURSOS Summit for Teachers Próximos Cursos Pronúncia Didática e Metodologia Cambridge Exams Prep Courses Inglês para Professores Inglês para Estudantes de Letras Cursos aos Sábados Cursos de Férias Convênios


First Day at School by Roger McGough

First Day at School A millionbillionwillion miles from home Waiting for the bell to go. (To go where?) Why are they all so big, other children? So noisy? So much at home they Must have been born in uniform Lived all their lives in playgrounds Spent the years inventing games That don't let me in. Games That are rough, that swallow you up. And the railings. All around, the railings. Are they to keep out wolves and monsters? Things that carry off and eat children? Things you don't take sweets from? Perhaps they're to stop us getting out Running away from the lessins. Lessin. What does a lessin look like? Sounds small and slimy. They keep them in the glassrooms. Whole rooms made out of glass. Imagine. I wish I could remember my name Mummy said it would come in useful. Like wellies. When there's puddles. Yellowwellies. I wish she was here. I think my name is sewn on somewhere Perhaps the teacher will read it for me. Tea-cher. The one who makes the tea. Roger McGough



Edubuntu Screenshots

eu aqui com o edubuntu gutsy gibbon tribe5 Office Suite Schooltool Calendar Tux4Kids GCompris: I Have Understood The KDE Edutainment Suite The GNOME Desktop Environment