public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags texas & money

October 2006

Shoemoney - Skills to pay the bills

by 3 others
Yes, YouTube currently does run AdSense which actually tells Google exactly what kind of income they are making. The thing is Google is only getting between 10-20% of the revenue based on there revshare agreement with Youtube.

The Internet’s Biggest Google Whores « John Chow dot Com

by 1 other
The following is a list of the Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense publishers. The information was compiled from interviews and articles found on the Internet. Whenever possible, I list the source of the information.

Small Companies & Google Adsense is the future « The Paradigm Shift

It amazes me to think that my 1 person company is able to compete at a level where all the competitors have 600+ servers, and 300+ full time staff. I feel like I am ahead of my time, and when I look around at the companies out there today I have a hard ti

The Web 2.0 Toolbar - The Best of Web 2.0, Right in Your Browser

1. Paul Terry Walhus - October 7, 2006 You too can get rich with the web 2.0 toolbar! I did. I downloaded it and with just a few clicks my sites at were getting millions of hits and my google

July 2006

If you want to be rich, first stop being so frightened - Sunday Times - Times Online

by 1 other
Five homes. Three estates. Fancy cars. Private jets. (The jets are always rented. If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it — it’s cheaper in the long run.) Thousands of acres of land. Art on the walls and libraries stuffed with first editions

SiliconBeat: The venture capitalist's Web 2.0 list

by 1 other
Here is a list of all Web 2.0 companies that received venture backing. Download the list here; note the tabs at the bottom, which show all 2005 fundings, and then 2006 Q1. Scroll to right to see the funding amounts, etc. (Hat-tip to PwC for sending it on.

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: How I bank and manage cash

So what do we do here? As a reader, you can expect to read tips on saving money, technology and sites that make life easier, and some DIY for the house. Our information is useful, not filler and we don't post just to appear active.

one red paperclip

My name is Kyle MacDonald and I traded one red paperclip for a house. I started with one red paperclip on July 12 2005 and 14 trades later, on July 12, 2006 I will trade with the Town of Kipling Saskatchewan for a house located at 503 Main Street. Feel fr